5 Factors That Steal Our Happiness

5 factors that steal our happiness

Each of us, in our own way, tries to be happy. During this search, however, we often find ourselves on the wrong path, forgetting what makes us feel really good. We then get to do things that we believe are right, but that actually rob us of true happiness, often without even realizing it.

Many of the things we do thinking they are necessary to be happy are nothing more than factors that steal our happiness, to which we open the doors allowing them to devour us from within. They are thieves who arrive in the form of social conventions to which we submit, trying to flaunt freedom, to achieve a happiness that, in reality, is found elsewhere.

Follow the mass

As social beings, human beings feel the need to connect with others and to enjoy themselves in order to feel part of a group. But beyond the need to be part of a community, people often agree to do whatever it takes to adapt, without opposing or voicing their opinion.


There are many people who believe it is necessary to submit because otherwise they would not be accepted. This insecurity leads them to give up their ideas and desires to devote themselves to what the mass demands, convinced that integration leads to happiness, that the goal of the herd is the happiness of all. By doing so, a person renounces his values ​​and thoughts by underestimating himself in order to adapt.

Obey the authorities

Listening to the advice of others is fine, but it is quite different to believe everything and blindly follow what they tell you, without asking yourself questions, without respecting your personal values. If from an early age we learn to blindly believe in authority figures, over time we will transform into obedient and submissive adults who, in the face of fear of making decisions, prefer others to think for them and take their responsibilities.

Thus, instead of following their own heart and creating a path for themselves, many prefer to obey orders and follow the path marked by others; a path that is probably aimed at the common good and what is best for the majority. But on that path there is no way to develop a critical sense, nor to find what really gives meaning to one’s individuality.

Try to meet the expectations of others

Respecting the wishes of others, living according to their expectations implies living for the happiness of others and not for their own. In these cases, the excuse of “I cannot choose” does not apply. You are free men and it is up to you to decide, always. Another thing is that you opt for the easier and less painful alternative, at least in the short term.


While others will claim that they only want the best for you, they are basically doing it to meet their own needs by thinking of themselves. If they want you to meet their expectations without giving you the freedom to choose, they are just looking for a way to manipulate you, they want to set you up to keep you from deviating from the path they have chosen for you.

The distractions that make us sad

We grew up in the culture of distractions. We are constantly busy, engaged in things that do not contribute to our well-being, but which we must take care of without ever stopping. This constant distraction fills our heads with confusion and mental turmoil.

In these conditions it is very difficult to find a real goal, and even more so to find the adequate means to achieve it. Such distractions rob us of the peace and quiet we would need.

It is essential to be able to put aside any distractions, focusing rather on the really important things,  that is, those that fill our hearts with joy and allow us to be the best version of ourselves.

The pursuit of perfection

Another attitude that deprives us of happiness is related to the attempt to create a perfect life. Perfection does not exist. Life is a continuous path of growth and improvement. Trying to make everything perfect prevents us from fully enjoying who we are and what we have, as we tend to focus only on our flaws.


The constant pursuit of perfection inevitably brings a lot of stress, disappointment, shame, self-hatred and the attempt to control others.

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