5 Psychological Strategies To Get Up Early

5 psychological strategies for getting up early

Getting up early can be a real challenge to our will. Perhaps because a very uninspiring working day awaits us or perhaps because we have not slept enough, the wake up call suddenly becomes our worst enemy. However, it is not that difficult if we understand the benefits of getting up unhurriedly and a little earlier than the clock and, therefore, not continuing to sleep.

Today we are going to talk about 5 psychological strategies that will help us get up early. They really work, although a lot of them can make us smile, because they are funny or because we have seen them in a few movies. The truth, however, is that they are critical to achieving this really difficult goal for many people.

1. To wake up early, it is best to keep the alarm away

Certainly it has happened to you sometimes: you were so tired that, unwittingly, you turned off the alarm without realizing it. A few minutes later you woke up with a start wondering why he didn’t ring. Yes, it did, but you turned it off without realizing it. For this reason, it is so important to put the alarm clock as far away from the bed as possible.

Despite the laziness, there will be no other remedy left but to get up to put an end to the dizzying noise that is bothering you and the neighbors. In this way, it will be much easier for you to activate and you will not be tempted to continue sleeping, well you will already be on your feet! If you combine this trick with a high alarm volume, perhaps with a sound that is impossible to ignore, it will be much easier!

2. Tidy up, you will be grateful

Isn’t it true that if you open your eyes and see your room upside down, getting up is the last thing you want?  For this reason, it is so important to order the room in which you sleep, so that it is an invitation both to get up and to enjoy a regenerating sleep, even if for this second point you must pay particular attention to all those elements that can distract you, such as the light of a computer in standby or the notification signal of the mobile phone.

What are we talking about? Of that cell phone in which a message can arrive at two in the morning or that television that you do not program to turn off and which, therefore, remains on all night. All of this will not help you sleep or wake you up several times during the night.

3. Get up early, why not with music?

Getting up and playing the music you like best can be a great option to get active and start the day in a good mood. This will allow you to brush your teeth, shave, have breakfast and dress with much more energy than when you do it in total silence. However, be careful not to turn the music too loud, your neighbors should not wake up with you.

But you may be wondering: what is the best music to get up with enthusiasm? One of the best options is music that motivates, recharges, cheers you up and makes you feel capable of anything.

4. Applications can help us get up

Thanks to technology, you can have several elements available that will allow you to wake up. Some applications are even of great help to respect your sleep cycles and, thus, rest much better. However, what to do when the alarm goes off and your body refuses to get out of bed?

There is a very curious application called “Puzzle Alarm Clock”. This is an alarm clock that won’t stop ringing until it knows you’ve woken up. How is it possible? It will know this because you will have to solve several problems or riddles before you can shut it down for good. A new, curious and interesting way to wake up in the morning.

5. Maintain good sleep hygiene

Maintaining good sleep hygiene, and waking up more active without postponing the moment of awakening, requires a series of steps to follow that, perhaps, you are ignoring. One of these, which you may know, is not to consume large dinners, as difficult digestion can cause insomnia.

Likewise, it is not recommended to consume caffeine after 6pm  for the same reason. Nor can we forget how important it is to try to go to bed at the same time all the time. This time must also allow you to get enough rest: you cannot expect to get up at 5:00 if you fall asleep at 2:00 in the morning.

We remind you that, at a minimum, we should sleep about 6 hours a night. However, each person is different, some already feel rested with 7 hours, others need 8 hours … The important thing is to learn to maintain proper sleep hygiene and adopt healthy habits that allow you to rest well. All this will have an important impact on our day, on our way of dealing with it and on our productivity. Isn’t it worth it?

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