5 Tips For Good Emotional Health

5 tips for good emotional health

When we buy a new dress, change our hairstyle, laugh with friends, play sports or meditate, our attitude changes, we feel more positive, more inspired and more creative. Our emotional health can improve with the little things that happen every day that help us have a distinct perspective and feel better.

Emotional health is linked to the correct management of our emotions, both the positive ones (love, happiness, hope, good humor) and the negative ones (hate, anger, jealousy, envy, guilt). The emotionally healthy person is the one who has learned to understand each other, to accept themselves and to look at life with a smile.

Traditionally, we have been educated to act rationally, without giving too much importance to emotions when it comes to our personal development; in some areas, the manifestation of emotions is even considered a sign of weakness.

However, many scientific studies show the influence of emotions on our behavior on a physiological, psychological and behavioral level. Today we offer you some techniques that can improve your emotional health.

Tips for enjoying good emotional health

Remember the good things you have and do what you like

When you are invaded by pessimism, you are no longer able to remember all the good things you have and you see your past as a dry expanse of constant shadow. For this reason, we ask you to write on a sheet of paper everything that is beautiful you have, whatever it is: you have many friends, you are sociable, you have good listening skills, you know how to draw well, etc. Whenever negative thoughts invade you, re-read this list and remember how unique and extraordinary you are.

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The chasm of everyday life envelops you with a lot of responsibilities that make you forget what you like and that do not allow you to find the time to carry out these activities. If you like going to the movies, set aside a couple of hours a week to watch a movie that appeals to you; if you like cycling, go out for a ride; if you like to read, grab a book before bed and relax. It’s time to find the time to do what you love, it’s not impossible!

Learn to communicate and accept yourself

Sometimes it is difficult for us to express our emotions and say what we think, but to be true to ourselves, we must respectfully convey to others what we have inside, express emotions with empathy and learn to say no when needed. Opposing something with rational arguments is an exercise that helps us to be true to ourselves.

Accepting ourselves, with all our faults, is an exercise in courage that allows us to know how we react to certain situations and to genuinely control our emotions, with the aim of enjoying good emotional health. Accept yourself for who you are: this will be the principle of your change.

Keep active and enjoy the present

Having an activity, both physical and mental, helps your emotional health. People who keep their brains alive and active feel better because they don’t allow difficulties to invade them. However, in addition to brain activity, physical activity is also necessary, so walk, run, cycle, go to the gym; no matter what you do, the important thing is that you move.

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Have you ever noticed how many times a day you worry about things from the past? Faced with these thoughts, you must understand that the past cannot be changed and that you are not given to know what the future will bring you, so  there is no point in getting distressed; the important thing is to live in the present.

Relax and surround yourself with positive people

Sleeping well and relaxing is essential for your physical and emotional health, it gives you rest and well-being. Try to go to bed at the same time every day and acquire habits that facilitate sleep, so that it is regenerative. Find a time each day to relax or meditate.

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The energy transmitted to us by the positive people in our life is essential. Try to get away from people who stress you or who have pessimistic attitudes and instead approach those who appreciate you and those who are able to show you all the good things in life, in your life.

If you need it, seek help

If you need help from a professional, don’t hesitate to ask: it’s not just about your emotions, but your own life. A specialist who listens and supports you can be essential in certain circumstances in your life and foster your personal development.

Do not be afraid to resort to a presence that listens to you and makes you see things differently; it’s about growing emotionally and learning from your mistakes to love yourself more every day.

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