7 Signs That You Are Okay With Yourself

7 signs that you are comfortable with yourself

Feeling good about yourself presupposes knowing what you think and what you like,  believing in yourself and not worrying about the opinion of others.

To feel good about yourself, you have to go a long way,  overcome many obstacles and work a lot.

Would you like to know how to feel good about yourself?

Knowing what self-confident people do, and doing like them, will help you find your way.

little girl with shower head

Behaviors of people who are comfortable with themselves

These are the most common behaviors that distinguish people who believe in themselves from those who don’t:

They are kind to others

A person who is kind and good to others is a person who is comfortable with himself. If you are comfortable with yourself, you will surely look upon others with kindness and goodness, enjoy their company and value the positive things.

If you feel good about yourself, you will try to make others feel good about themselves, you  will try to transmit your energy to them and create a pleasant environment.

They don’t draw attention to themselves

Self-confident people don’t need to get attention to feel important. They don’t need to justify themselves to others, to get applause or approval, or to get noticed.

If you feel confident, you don’t need to impress anyone.  It is enough for you to know that you have obtained what you were looking for, that you are following a path consistent with your values ​​and dreams.

They are not afraid to be the leaders

Leadership can be scary. However, self-confident people are not afraid to take on the role of leaders,  because they believe in their values, their criteria, their abilities and their know-how.

Only if you are confident will you be able to believe in the skills and abilities of others.  Only in this way will you be able to find the courage to walk with those who follow you, offer goals and plans for which it is worth striving.

They do not seek or ask for the approval of others

Self-confident people do not seek or need the approval of others. When a person seeks and asks for approval, it shows their need for consent.

People who believe in themselves understand that their goal is to follow their nature,  be consistent and seek their own path to happiness.

They are not afraid to claim their due

Those who believe in themselves do everything they can to get what they want.  Much of this process requires the courage to reclaim what is theirs.

People who believe in themselves are less sensitive to rejection,  because they know that anything is possible and that they also have to face this option. They know that if they don’t risk, they will get nothing. They know that the “no” is already understood, but they have a “yes” to win.

girl on the high seas full of hearts

They are not afraid of competition

Self-confident people are not afraid of competence, because they trust their own abilities,  their values ​​and the plans they have drawn. They know that they have to give the best of themselves, and that this is entirely up to them.

They do not even speak ill of others, even if they threaten to hinder their path, because they know that despising or annoying others does not make them better people, but only cowardly and insecure.

They tolerate opinions that differ from their own

Only people who are unsure of their thoughts and beliefs do not tolerate opinions that differ from their own.

Confident people enjoy conversations with people who think differently than they do  because they are able to stand up for what they believe.

If you are comfortable with yourself, you will be able to respect yourself and not feel offended by the beliefs or opinions of others,  and you will also know how to defend yourself without feeling attacked.

Images courtesy of Rosario Cifuentes, Valeria Docampo and Amanda Cass

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