Emotionally Strong People Cry Watching Movies

Emotionally strong people cry while watching movies

There are people with easy tears, who cry while watching movies or experiencing intense emotional situations. An emotional expression that is usually considered “by sissies” and which is interpreted as a sign of weakness and sweetness. However, nothing further from reality, crying is typical of emotionally strong people.

Don’t be ashamed of your tears. Crying is a natural reaction to a stimulus that causes us these tears that we sometimes try to hide at all costs. All this happens because we give crying a negative meaning, but by chance, isn’t it also crying with joy?

Crying while watching movies indicates empathy

The films show us a fiction that makes us feel real emotions. For this reason, crying while watching one means that we know how to empathize with the characters who participate in the action. We put ourselves in their shoes, we feel the same emotions as if we were in their place, we see reality through their eyes, we abandon our circumstances to move into theirs… All this allows us to understand their situation.

However, is there any rational explanation for this? What is certain is that the higher the emotional charge of the film, the more oxytocin will free our brain. A research carried out at the Claremont Graduate School  has allowed us to discover that the production of this hormone helps us to connect with other people, making us kinder, more empathetic, more understanding.

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Crying, therefore, is by no means a sign of weakness, on the contrary it indicates empathy, the  ability to connect with others, feel the emotions of others on your skin and this makes us emotionally strong people, not the other way around.

People lacking empathy have a great disadvantage in their interpersonal relationships. They will not be able to connect with the person in front of them, nor understand how he feels. This will cause serious problems and conflicts. Connecting with others is very important in establishing healthy relationships that involve mutual support.

At this point, it is clear that crying does not make us weak, it is a false myth! Whenever you find yourself with a person who cries for almost everything, you will no longer see them as weak, but you will know that they are stronger than you thought. Do you cry watching movies too?

Crying shows our mood

The opposite of crying is laughing. The smile improves our mood, makes us happy and serene. Experts say that making an effort to laugh even in bad times can help you successfully overcome a difficult situation by increasing self-confidence; therefore it is not always the opposite, as we usually think.

What if crying also improves our mood? This was the conclusion reached by the researchers of a study carried out by the University of Tilburg. In this research, psychologists realized that  the saddest films can improve the mood of the viewer.


Perhaps you are against what has been said or do not feel identified at all. So answer this question: Do you try to suppress tears when you are about to cry while watching a movie? The researchers conclude that for crying to have the desired effect, it is important to let it flow freely. 

During the study it was found that at first people felt deeply sad. They entered into great empathy with the protagonists and gave free rein to their tears. But as the minutes went by, they got better. Only those who did not suppress crying were able to experience this well-being, the mood of the rest of the people, however, worsened.

In conclusion,  it is not bad if a situation or a movie makes you cry. This is a typical symptom of emotionally strong people, but to get the most benefit from it, you need to let the tears flow. Somehow they act as a release valve and, even if you feel bad at first, then everything gets better.

moons crying

Emotionally strong people know that crying is good for them. Thanks to tears, they can let off steam, empathize with others, and connect with the rest of the people. Emotionally strong people aren’t weak, even if you think so. Perhaps you are now aware that you are not as strong as you thought you were. Repression is the main sign of weakness.

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