Take The Risk: Get Out Of Your Safe Zone!

Take the risk: get out of your safe zone!

Many times we believe that fate, fate or chance are responsible for what happens to us. What we need to understand is that we are the true architects of our destiny, we can change it, we can live freely and choose between the various alternatives that life offers us.

Often it happens to be afraid, to feel dizzy at the thought of changing one’s life. But you have to do it, you have to get out of the “safe zone”. In these cases, we can rely on popular wisdom “whoever leaves the old way for the new one knows what he leaves and not what he finds” or “better a known evil than an unknown good”.

But why is a known evil better? And why not leave it aside when there is all the good still to be known ?

Safe zone

In 2003 the psychologist Senninger spoke of three areas of learning, common to all men. Which ones are they?

  1. Safe zone or comfort zone. It is the area where we find ourselves without fear. The rest is out of our knowledge of life and living. Living is easier, nothing scares us.
  2. Learning area. Even if we don’t know it well, we gradually and with experience endure it. These are small challenges that life imposes on us and that we overcome step by step.
  3. Stress or panic zone. Nobody likes the panic zone. It is the area of ​​fear, lack of trust, risk, uncertainty, danger …

Maybe a new love will come into your life that will give you a lot of joy and at the same time scare you because you are in your comfort zone from a lifetime with a person with whom you are not really happy. Or a new job might arrive that frightens you for several reasons, but which in some ways is perhaps better than the one you have now that you are used to and that makes you feel safe because it does not involve new challenges.

But what’s wrong with the comfort zone if you’re fine there? Without you realizing it, the comfort zone will become your prison and sooner or later you will end up asking yourself: “what if I had done what I really wanted to do and I didn’t do out of fear?”, “What if I had chosen that work or had I started a new relationship? ” .

All these “what ifs” will do nothing but destroy you inside …

So it is good to get out of the comfort zone a little because it can give you great satisfaction.

There is much more life beyond the safe zone and sometimes we live inside a golden cage, a cage from which however we can get out, like the birds that leave the nest, to discover that the world is full of beautiful and different things (and obviously also less beautiful things).

If you overcome those obstacles that limit you only because they frighten you, you will always feel better and more and more alive. Because living under the banner of fear, a fear that is often only in your head, can affect your entire life and prevent you from achieving the happiness you so desire.

How can you get out of the safe zone?

  • Learn to unlearn quick and easy answers, take risks.
  • Understand that failures can be discouraging, but they are also a source of inspiration and teaching.
  • Enjoy the pleasure you feel when you fight for your dreams and take it one step further each time.

And to start with, we’re giving you this song for free!

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