How To Activate Our Alpha Waves

How to activate our Alpha waves

The electrical impulses emitted by the brain, which travel through our neurons, are called brain waves. Humans have four different types of brain waves. These particular impulses that travel through neurons have very specific functions. Thanks to electroencephalograms, also called EEGs, it was possible to thoroughly study the effect of these waves on humans.

What do the four types of brain waves produce ?

* Alpha waves. They are the waves related to relaxation. They are those that are activated just before sleeping, during rest, in the moments we spend lying down to sunbathe on the beach or just returned from a relaxing bath.

* Beta waves. They are the opposite waves to those Alpha. They are characterized by their intense speed and are produced while we work at a light pace, when we are under stress, when we hear noises or are studying. They involve intense activity in our brain. People with anxiety tend to produce a large amount of Beta waves.

* Theta waves. They are responsible for the moods in which we feel as if we have “our head elsewhere” or “our head in the clouds”. They are also characteristic of a relaxed state and favor the birth of creative ideas. They are the typical waves of a kind of sleepy state.

* Delta waves. They are the waves that are generated during the stages of deep sleep.

All four types of waves coexist at any time of the day, although some may predominate over others in certain phases. In this sense , some studies have shown that humans have the ability to contribute to the activation of Alpha waves, those related to relaxation. In times when we are all extremely stressed, nervous, always stuck in traffic and city noises, overworked and overwhelmed by many other sources of stress, we have the ability, with a few simple gestures, to activate our Alpha waves.

Alpha waves help us to concentrate, to see our goals more clearly, they serve to calm us and make fear disappear; in addition, they improve memory, help us lose weight and quit smoking and strengthen our immune system.

Below we present a list of actions that you can perform to generate the Alpha waves:

  • Count slowly from number 100 to number 1.
  • Sit or lie on the bed, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths.
  • Listen to relaxing music. Baroque music has been shown to awaken Alpha waves. While you are working, try to counter your Beta waves with Alphas by listening to restful music.

And what is the Silva method? It is a method devised by the Mexican-born parapsychologist José Silva, aimed at improving a person’s IQ by reaching a deep state of relaxation thanks to the generation of Alpha waves. There are numerous scientific researches that endorse this method.

Try listening to this alpha music video. It works? Tell us yourself.

Photo courtesy of Lenscap Photography

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