50 Tips To Be Braver

50 tips to be braver

When you were a child, surely you identified with some superhero or character who fought against enemies and who wore a cloak, a sword or was endowed with special powers or perhaps you were convinced that your father could save you from any danger.

However, what happens when we grow up? Let’s stop being brave? Do we feel like one among many and want to go unnoticed? Are we no longer righteous, and are we just waiting for the law to do justice?

It’s hard to be brave these days. Shyness wins every battle and this takes points away from our self-esteem.  

Even if, socially speaking, the brave are valued and the timid are encouraged to change their attitude, we do not do enough to deal with everything that happens to us. It is not necessary to fight against a villain, a dragon or a meteorite that would destroy the planet.

Taking charge of what happens to us is enough (at least for the moment). Courage is not made only of heroic acts, such as when a man saves a child who falls into the river or when a firefighter saves an old woman who had fallen asleep with the stove on, causing a fire.

Being brave means taking risks, trying new things, not being afraid that things will go wrong etc. 


How to develop courage day after day?

We are not telling you that starting from this moment you must again be able to relate to a superhero and save your city from the bad guys. Every day you can try to be “a little braver”.  If you do it little by little, it will be much easier.

Do you want to know how to do it? Then take a look at the following tips. You don’t have to follow an order, but whenever you manage to complete one of the following, don’t forget the previous ones. You are ready?

1-Give yourself permission to be sorry

2-Forget those who hurt or disillusion you

3-Look in the mirror and be positive 

4-Tell someone you love them (if you really love them)

5-Do what you like and you are passionate about 

6-Write your story, not that of others

7-Share your ideas, even if others disagree

8-Always give your opinion, even if it is different from that of others

9-At least for one day, go out on the street with your head held high 

10- Allow yourself to make mistakes

11- Trust your feelings and your instincts 

12-Try to do something for the first time

13-Put limits on people, things and activities

14-Start doing something that you always postpone

15-Sing in the middle of the street (if you are out of tune, even better)  

16-Dance while you go to work

17-Play an instrument (even if you don’t have the faintest idea how it sounds) 

18-Go shopping on rollerblades or with a skate

19-Tolerate the inconveniences and things that annoy you 

20-Make many mistakes

21-You say “I don’t know”

 22-Ask for help when you don’t know how to do something

23-Show yourself vulnerable every now and then 

24-Face problems

25-Allow the past to remain so

26-Take pictures

27-Believe in crazy ideas 

28-Support a friend in need

29- End abusive relationships, those that don’t make you feel good 

30-Say goodbye to your fears

31-Tell your nightmares

32-Fight prejudices

33-Do not do something you do not want

34-Do not say something you do not want or do not think

35-Dress without following fashion

36-Be the first to want to clarify after a fight

37-Give a flower or a sweet to a stranger 

38-Do not try to keep everything under control

39-Love your madness

40-Ask someone how he is doing and don’t interrupt him

41-Do not react badly when someone criticizes you 

42-Embrace the people you love

43-Praise yourselves, speak well of yourself, your goals achieved and your appearance 

44-Do not always be too busy

45-Be open to news

46- Start over every time you need it

47-Ask the opinion of others

48-Be like children and have fun

49-Talk to that person you like and don’t have the courage to invite out 

50-Ask your boss for a meeting and tell him what you think.

Remember that being brave does not mean not being afraid, but knowing how to overcome your fears. 

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