There Are Things I Don’t Want To Forget

There are things I don't want to forget

The radio played insistently all day. Tired because of the backlog I could not escape and forget the tedium of the days. I’m not complaining, work is positive when we do it with pleasure, and I love it very much. However, I have to be honest, I also like to take my time and relax, forget about duties for a moment. And the radio made me reflect on forgetting.

I am one of those who always say that the mistakes of the past cannot be remedied, that one cannot live chained to the disappointments of the past and that it is, in fact, the past, and therefore cannot be changed. Despite this, there are aspects of life that we cannot and do not want to forget, especially those that concern our feelings. Everything we have suffered or been happy for has a great weight in our hearts and feelings.

Although some memories are painful, we are not willing to give them up, or at least I see it that way. Thanks to these we can find moments in which we were particularly happy. The radio played romantic songs that spoke, as I realized after a while, of those frustrated loves that were once happy and ended for this or other reason. However, someone continues to hear them, lives them in moments, regaining possession of the memory, because loves are never forgotten. In a certain sense, we overcome each other, we meet another person, we fall in love again, we insist on love because to be happy you need perseverance, but despite this …

In a corner of our heart, in a hidden space of our mind, a memory seems to emerge that can hurt us, but which, as I said, can also make us smile. Like everyone else, I too cried for a lost love and at times I saw myself in front of a love that did not want to last. All have been loves made of happy moments, of emotions so strong as to be willing to do anything.

Ready for cold autumn evenings, looking at the blue sky outside the window, committed to experiencing the emotions of loving and being loved. Maybe one day, carried away by the notes of an old song, this memory will come back and show us that

we can say that we have forgotten, that we are good at overcoming pain, but that the memory still holds someone in our heart

, in our mind or only in the black box in which we relegate the past.

I don’t mind shedding tears for someone I loved, even though it made me suffer. Someone will think it is nonsense, but is not love that supreme emotion that allows us to commit follies? I don’t care if others don’t share my vision… I like to feel my past in that someone, that it’s just a memory. I don’t focus on weight and disappointment.

Even if on the radio it sounds like someone is crying, for me there are no tears of pain. I always prefer to bring to mind that happy memory, that first glance, that first caress, that complicit smile, because more than inflicting pain on me thinking about what didn’t happen, I prefer to smile at the memory of that fabulous feeling that intoxicates when you are madly in love. And this I never want to forget.

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