FoMO Syndrome, Fear Of Being Cut Off

FoMO syndrome, fear of being left out

Nowadays we maintain our relationships online and offline. With the spread of technology, information and above all social networks, the digital world has become a new space for interaction. In this digital world, FoMO  (Fear of Missing Out) syndrome makes its spectacular entrance.

This new disorder is characterized by a social fear that has always existed: exclusion. It’s about having that bitter feeling of being left out. This feeling begins with a simple perception, which grows and mortifies us to the point of pushing us to always remain connected so as not to miss anything.

Knowing that our friends will do something or have a better agenda than ours gives us the deep feeling of being excluded. In other words, that our life is less interesting than that of others. Thanks to mobile phones and the instantaneity of social networks, this feeling has become a common companion in the lives of many people.

The cause of this phenomenon is the constant connection to the internet. With new technologies, the FoMO syndrome represents a new dimension that requires the analysis of sociologists, psychologists and even doctors. Let’s analyze it together.

Distressed woman with FOMO syndrome

Can’t you have fun just because others are having fun too?

Imagine the following situation: you are at home quietly, it is Saturday night and you are watching a good movie or reading a good book or you are in the middle of a good conversation when you decide to connect to Facebook. There you see that your friends are traveling or dining in an exclusive restaurant. If this makes you feel sad or distressed, you probably have FoMO syndrome.

It can happen to anyone, it is normal, but  when any pleasant moment is interrupted by the discovery that some friends are having fun without our knowledge, then we have a problem.

Social networks, in which only good things are told, are becoming a new element of stress. Classic ambitious consumption, that is, always wanting something that we don’t have and that we believe is fundamental to our happiness, is combined with the anguish of being excluded.

People with FOMO syndrome

Is the FoMO syndrome growing thanks to new technologies?

We could say that the fear of being excluded has always existed. However, due to smartphones and the ubiquity of social networks, it has turned into a motivation due to our need to belong.

Being a member of a group is also important for social identity, which is a fundamental component of self-esteem. This is why social networks, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, play a very important role in interpersonal relationships.

Thanks to new technologies, we always know what others are doing and, therefore, also what we are missing. FoMO syndrome causes anxiety and a feeling of non-adaptation or exclusion.

According to a study, three out of ten people between the ages of 13 and 34 have experienced this sensation. In general, it happens when they see that their friends do things they have not been invited to. Does it happen to you too?

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