Online Gambling Addiction, What Does It Consist Of?

If you think you are suffering from online gambling addiction, the best thing to do is to consult a trained psychologist.
Online gambling addiction, what does it consist of?

The cases of adolescents with disorders associated with excessive internet consumption have increased significantly in recent years. It is not strange to see young people suffering from online gambling addiction in therapy.

Young people use the internet to access a wide variety of content across multiple electronic devices. The main purposes are social, playful or academic.

However, in recent years it has emerged that inadequate or excessive use of the internet can have harmful consequences. We are talking about serious repercussions on daily life, on interpersonal and family relationships, as well as on emotional stability. This condition is known as online gambling addiction .

Is online gambling addiction really a pathology?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (also known as DSM) indicates that internet addiction does not yet have enough data to be categorized as a real disease.  However, the manual stresses the existence of online gambling addiction, stating that it requires extensive study (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

This situation has given rise to several studies. They offer us enough evidence to say that the abuse or misuse of video games can have negative consequences worse than or equal to those of any other addiction.

Teenager plays online

How is online gambling addiction diagnosed?

Below we will show which diagnostic criteria must be present  in order to be able to talk about online gambling addiction according to the DSM-5:

1- Persistent and continuous use of the internet in order to participate in online games , often with other players, which causes clinically significant deterioration or discomfort, as indicated by at least 5 (or more) of the following criteria, over a period of 12 months:

  • Concern related to online gaming. The individual thinks about previous activities related to the game or anticipates the next game’s moves. Internet becomes the main activity of one’s life.
  • Withdrawal symptoms appear as soon as the ability to gamble on the internet ceases. These symptoms are described as irritability, anxiety or sadness, but there are no physical signs of drug withdrawal.
  • Tolerance. It refers to the need to devote more and more time to online games.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to control participation in internet games.

Other symptoms

  • Loss of interest in other passions or entertainment.
  • Tendency to persist in overusing online games, despite awareness of the social problems associated with them.
  • The subject deceived family members, therapists or other people in relation to the amount of time he spends on the internet.
  • Using the online video game to escape or relieve a negative feeling; for example, a sense of helplessness, guilt or anxiety.
  • The individual has endangered or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or business opportunity due to online gambling.

Only disorders not related to gambling are included in the online gambling addiction framework. It does not include the use of the internet to carry out activities related to business or a profession. Other recreational or social uses are also not covered.

Online gambling addiction is similar to an actual addiction

Online gambling disorder involves a set of cognitive and behavioral symptoms, such as progressive loss of control over gambling, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms.

As with drug addiction, people with online gambling addiction sit in front of a computer to play, even though they are aware that they are neglecting other activities. 

They usually spend 8-10 hours or more a day and at least 30 hours a week on internet playful activities. If their computer is stolen to prevent them from playing, they get agitated and angry. They often spend long periods of time without eating or sleeping.
Boy with joystick

Network games that interfere with daily life

Another symptom is disregarding normal daily obligations, such as school or work, or family commitments to play on the net; usually other users take part, and for many hours.

These games involve a competition between groups of players  who are often located in different parts of the world and who participate in complex and structured activities, characterized by a significant social interaction. A sense of belonging to a group appears to be a key motivation.

These subjects tenaciously resist the attempts of others to redirect them towards school obligations or towards interpersonal activities. They neglect their person, their family and their aspirations.

On the other hand, people with this disorder usually claim to use the internet to “avoid getting bored” rather than to communicate or seek information. Excessive brain activity in areas outside the reward system has been found in some individuals.

Studies in progress

The description of the criteria for this disorder is based on a study conducted in China. However, the empirical criteria and the minimum threshold for diagnosis have yet to be determined. Therefore, we recommend that you take the information in this article with caution.

If you think you are suffering from online gambling addiction, the best thing to do is to consult a trained psychologist. It can help you overcome the problem and prevent it from affecting your lives.

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