Get Out Of Your Prison To Move Forward

Get out of your prison to move on

There are situations in which there seems to be no way to go forward, in which everything becomes complicated and conspiracies not to make us raise our heads. However, many situations are complicated as long as we see them like this. Moving forward is easy when we have the courage to get out of our prison.  

It is common to see people exaggerate everything that happens to them and get nervous because they cannot control the outcome of every decision they make. Knowing what will happen before starting a business or planning the future second by second – or at least try it – is a lifestyle (and constant frustration) for many people. But is it really necessary to make the present so complicated to plan everything that will happen?

Life can be much simpler and not lacking in opportunities.  Trying to support and control everything is an impossible mission that deprives us of great moments of happiness and the possibility of discovering, knowing and surprising ourselves.

Let’s listen to each other, let’s not oppose and trust the journey

Life has much more to give us than our mind can conceive. Why lock ourselves in the prison of controlling and planning absolutely everything? It is not a question of advancing aimlessly or unconsciously, but of leaving the door open to what luck will dispose, because it will. In the case of negative experiences, in most cases we can choose whether to face them or succumb to them.

Woman sniffing a flower

How to recognize this path? Listening to us will show us the way. If we are able to be honest, to silence the voices that tell us what to do or that indicate what is (politically) correct, we will be able to hear our inner voice. And when we feel we have to do something outside the plan, something different, let’s not oppose it. We explore what our inner voice asks of us. We decipher what we need and look for ways to do it within our possibilities.

The most important aspect, however, is to trust the journey. Only in this way could we enjoy it to the fullest and benefit from it. Only in this way will we find the means of expression we need to air our feelings and emotions, to grow, to be ourselves and move forward.   

We have the keys to our prison

Many times our full potential is forced into a prison to which we ourselves hold the key. But why do we do it? Why do we draw a life that clips our wings instead of following the rhythm of flight? Why, having such potential, do we submit to a mediocre life?

The truth is that the idea of ​​living with everything under control and planned seems to be very comfortable. However, convenience can be highly deceptive. To open the doors of our cell, we must begin to get rid of this limited vision which does not allow us to look beyond, which does not allow us to contemplate all the opportunities that present themselves.  

Of course, this convenience often arises as a result of past experiences. Suffering and pain load our emotional backpack with fears, complexes and limiting beliefs. How about turning this heavy emotional backpack into a toolbox?

We have the key and the power to open the door and move on

It is one thing to know that you have the key, it is quite another to have the courage to use it to open the door and go out.  Fear lurks behind every decision made. Fear of failure, of the unknown, of not being good enough, of having taken the wrong path or of being judged, all this holds us back. However, not taking action is the best way to have regrets, to die without having lived.

Are you afraid of failure, but are you not afraid of losing the opportunity to triumph? Are you afraid of making a mistake, but not of missing out on a good idea? Are you afraid of being judged, but are you not afraid of the opinion you will have of yourself in the future?

Don’t let fear guide your actions, you will never regret making an important decision.  Even when we fail, even when we are wrong … every step is important for our personal growth. Each step brings us closer to our goals – even when this step is a mistake – and gives us the opportunity to be free to make bold decisions.

Woman walking out of her prison

We explore beyond our comfort zone to move forward

Our comfort zone is our prison. Nothing holds us back in it. Let’s go out and open up to the world. Our comfort zone will remain where we left it if we need to return. We remember that we have the key. We are free to go out and also to re-enter.

We must take the risk of putting out first one foot and then the other. If we believe in our choice, we embrace this risk. We don’t have to go all at once if we’re not prepared, rather let’s do it step by step. As we advance, we will feel more confident and, above all, much better about ourselves.

Uncertainty about risk plays an important role. As we get used to this uncertainty, as we learn to manage it, fear will give way to curiosity and the desire to go further.

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