Truth Triumphs By Itself, Lies Need Accomplices

The truth triumphs by itself, the lie needs accomplices

Certainly all of us have found ourselves in situations from which we did not know how to get out. In fact, along all the roads we travel we encounter some obstacles, especially when we ourselves have pushed ourselves up to there.

Sometimes lying seems to be the best solution, because in the short term it is also the simplest. Nevertheless, to tell lies means to take a path that has many detours, but no exit and, probably, will end up making us lose.

Lying means betraying both others and ourselves

While lying about some aspect of our life can be a great long-term temptation at times, what makes us feel better about ourselves is to keep telling the truth. Whether it is because we are ashamed of something or because we are aware that we have made a mistake, the best thing is to be honest with others because, by lying, we also betray ourselves.


We must be aware that we are not perfect and that, therefore, making mistakes is our right. Furthermore, it has been shown that the lie collapses under its own weight, while the truth stands on its own. In this regard, it is important to be consistent with one’s actions, to accept the mistakes we have made and, therefore, also to put on the shoes of the people we have harmed.

At first, telling the truth can be painful, but in the long run, both ourselves and the people we haven’t lied to will appreciate our effort, which will help us respect and forgive ourselves.

Lying is a hole full of abysses

When we are sincere, what surrounds us stands on its own: we are aware of the positive and negative things that exist between us. People who distance themselves from our world do so because, in one way or another, it is not for them, and that means that we weren’t meant to share it, that in a way we weren’t compatible.

Sometimes it is difficult to accept that some people are not attracted to what we can offer them, but this helps us to understand that the people who stick with us, on the other hand, really appreciate us for who we are. And isn’t this a valid reason to be proud of ourselves?

Mark Twain used to say that “if you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”. And, in fact, that’s right, because being honest is the best remedy for staying calm and enjoying life. Otherwise, our daily life turns into a constant source of anxiety because we have to continue to be the people we are not.

In the long run, the truth is the easy way out

Nothing compares to the satisfaction of having told the truth: perhaps at the beginning accepting one’s mistakes can be difficult, and perhaps we will also receive criticism for what we have done, but the peace that only telling the truth can give is not comparable to mirages created by lies. Being honest with others helps us to mature and to value ourselves as people, because it is a courageous behavior.

For this reason, although it may seem like the hardest road to take at first, it is the best decision. In the long run, it will make our path much easier than the lies, which only feed on themselves and complicate everything that revolves around them.


The trust that others had in us can be regained if we surround ourselves with truth, because its foundations are much stronger than those of lies, which are sustained only on appearances. By doing everything possible to be honest and truthful with others, we will also be able to be honest with ourselves. Consequently, others will appreciate us for it.

Be honest with yourself, be honest with others. Always choose to do what you would like others to do with you, as this will make it much easier to receive the same type of behavior from them.

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