Chasing Those Who Make Us Suffer

Staying close to those who hurt us is a condemnation to malaise. This is why it is better not to chase those who make us suffer and, on the contrary, we must move away in order to be well
Chasing those who make us suffer

If you give up your life, leave it in the hands of others or those who know how to control you and exert power over you, it usually starts an endless run-up in the hope of getting it back. Almost as if this attempt was able to give you value. In reality, the only thing you get is contempt, built on constant refusals, acceptance and resignation. We must not chase those who make us suffer, it is just another way to not love us.

True love, for others than for ourselves, is none other than the inevitable desire to show oneself for what one really is. Without filters or masks, free of any fear. Chasing those who make us suffer is a way to lose our way, forgetting ourselves and our value. In a vain attempt to reach each other.

If we find that we accept suffering in exchange for something else, we are committing a serious error of judgment. Sometimes we are so blinded by the feeling that we fail to see that others are manipulating us, making us act to our detriment.

Woman with a tear on her face

How to stop chasing those who make us suffer

If there is true love, taking care of your partner comes from the heart. But this does not mean acting blindly and giving up distinguishing situations. If you notice that your partner is constantly hurting you, disrespecting you or nullifying your will, it is time to stop this harmful situation. The relationship is marred by the lack of balance.

When the person you share your life with hurts you all the time, you need to ask yourself if they are adding to or taking away from the relationship. From this answer you will understand if you are willing to accept this suffering. We are talking about you, your heart, your life.

Closing a phase of your life, saying goodbye to those you love but who hurts you, is one of the most stormy experiences on an emotional level. You know well that the first kiss is not difficult to give, but the last one certainly is. However, at times, the very goodbye could save you from a future full of pain and tears.

Perhaps the lack of self-esteem has penetrated too deeply into you, with the risk of losing awareness of yourself, of what you want, passively undergoing these continuous and undeserved oppressions. Only you can prevent your self-love from evaporating definitively, closing that senseless race to chase after those who make you suffer.

️ It’s crazy to love someone who hurts, but it’s even crazier to think that anyone who hurts loves you.

Drawing of woman sewing heart

Obsession, fear of being alone, hope or devotion?

A relationship can end badly, always keep this in mind. And, to be able to overcome this breakup, the only possible way is to accept that it is really over. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to manage the situation and the damage will eventually become obsession, fear, hope and even devotion.

Some psychologists have argued that falling out of love can be more painful than the death of a loved one. According to this theory, death has a grieving process that ends with acceptance. But when the couple breaks up and no such acceptance does not happen, the suffering can last a long time and may even never heal.

Obsessions, excessive fear of being alone and devotion are, in short, feelings that contain an underestimation of the person and exaltation of the partner. To help you understand this concept better, we leave you this beautiful poem by Hamlet Lima Quintana, Argentine author:

“Nobody has the face of my beloved.
A face that birds
draw in the morning air.
Nobody has the hands of my beloved.
Hands that move to the rhythm of the sun
when they caress the miseries of my life.
Nobody has the eyes of my beloved.
Eyes in which the fish swim freely
forgetting the hook and the drought,
and me, who am waiting for it
with the hope of the old fisherman.
Nobody has the voice of my beloved.
A voice that doesn’t need words
as if it were an endless melody.
No one has the light around her
or that darkness when she sleeps.
Sometimes I think that no one has all this, 
no one: not even herself. “

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