How To Keep A Positive Attitude

How to keep a positive attitude

For years we have been listening, reading and talking about the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the face of the difficulties that life presents to us. However,  perhaps the time has come to change our point of view about it and to generate new habits that really allow us to get what we want.

The dangers of extremist thinking

It is a fact that if we let negative thoughts invade us or if we allow depression to dominate us, we will go through our entire life without noticing all the good things around us. On the other hand, however, even an excessively positive thought can take us away from reality.

Excess is never a wise choice. We need to change our way of thinking and our defense mechanisms in the face of life’s frustrations, and find the key to starting our inner engine. All this will allow us to live a fuller life.

Four steps to maintaining a positive attitude

1. Identify the cause of your unhappiness. There is always a reason behind our frustration, fear, sadness or anger. This is the first step to take. It’s not always easy, but focus on finding the real cause of your frustration, what’s paralyzing you and preventing you from achieving your goals. Sometimes these are issues that go beyond what you want or can accept.

This research could plunge you into pessimism, but don’t lose heart, it’s only the first step towards change! When faced with a difficulty, you can do two things: avoid it or fight it. Running away will only prolong your agony, so we advise you to face it!

2. Set yourself a short-term, achievable goal. Imagine the benefits you will get when you reach it. Start creating simple and achievable habits. For example, if you want to lose weight but eat junk food every day, decrease the frequency to once a week and aim to order half a serving.

The first few days it will be tiring to implement the changes, but after you have succeeded several times, you will feel better about yourself and much more energized. The time has come to propose a more complicated goal to achieve something greater, something that brings you closer to your ultimate goal and increases what you demand of yourself.

Try to understand what is the most important action to take to really achieve that goal. When you have identified it, you can think positively and carry it out with the greatest possible enthusiasm. In this way, you will keep yourself stimulated and many other ways to act will come to mind. Remember that goodwill or positive thinking has no effect if you don’t take action.

3. Identify the good things in your life. One of the things that will help you most to maintain a positive attitude is gratitude. It is worth reflecting for a moment on all the positive things you have: material goods, people, opportunities, experiences, etc.

When we focus on what we want to change, we often don’t stop to look at all the positive things we already have. And it’s a shame, because we only think about tomorrow without realizing what today is worth, and everything becomes an endless race.

4. Lighten your emotional burden. As you try to identify the good things in your life, people and things that harm you will come to mind. It is important to reflect on why they are in our life, and if they really hurt you, it will be better to say goodbye once and for all.

We know it’s not easy: ending a relationship that has lasted for years or getting rid of something that doesn’t satisfy us, but that we have always kept with us because it guaranteed us a certain status, is complicated. Also because, the heavier the emotional load it carries, the more important that person or thing will seem to us. Equally great, however, will be the sense of freedom you will feel when you let it go.

Positive attitude as an engine of change

Changing our habits is possible if, after focusing on what paralyzes us, we are honest with ourselves and set ourselves attainable goals, identifying the actions that will help us overcome obstacles and taking a more positive attitude.

Have you realized that you are not living the life you want, and are you tired of having a negative view of things? We hope that our advice will help you improve your life, feel happier and take a more pleasant point of view, improving your attitude day by day.

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