The Best Things Are Not Planned … They Happen

The best things are not planned ... they happen

You have probably heard of the law of attraction. According to this principle, people should be able to obtain or become what they want, thanks to those energy units that are emanating from our thoughts and emotions.

The famous phrase “you transform yourself into what you think” falls into this perspective, because in the Universe there is a kind of law of attraction in which our thinking helps us to reach our goals. Well, it is not our purpose to criticize or defend this view of things, because in reality, things can be much simpler.

It is not about magic, but about opening, wanting to see, getting out of the comfort zone and opening those doors that we all have, to allow ourselves second chances. If you realize you can be happy, you are already doing something great for yourself.

If you recognize it, it feeds that bond and that self-esteem in which things can start to be much easier. Because life is not planned and on many occasions it strives to make the opposite of what we had imagined happen.

Think about this.

1. First transform yourself into what you are looking for

married couple
Maybe you are dreaming of meeting the perfect person for you. That person who accompanies you every day with love, who is an accomplice of your desires and projects, a lover of your smiles and a refuge for your hugs.

You know how you would like him to be, an emotionally mature person, funny, understanding, open to dialogue, humble and without hidden fears.

So, what do you think if instead of dreaming about it, you reach all those dimensions you want in the person you love? Transform yourself into someone worth spending your entire life with. Be the one or the one you dream of, because if you are as good as you are, the happiness you bring to those around you will be the most complete.

2. Learn to afford what you deserve to get what you need

No, we are not talking about the law of attraction. It is something much simpler. Think for example of those people who have experienced an emotional failure and who decide to close the doors of their heart. And, moreover, they build an armor around them and live on mistrust and resentment.

Nobody deserves to live like this, and it’s not a prison that someone creates on purpose. The secret lies in starting to destroy inner walls: I deserve to be happy, I deserve time for myself, I deserve to enjoy the whims, I deserve to laugh and feel good. 

boys run with umbrella

When we self-gratify ourselves and self-bring what we need, we open ourselves again to the world, we begin to be receptive to what surrounds us, with what surrounds us. Until, when we least expect it, life gives us what we need. 

3. Be careful with high expectations, just get carried away

Be careful with sand castles, with “happiness is forever” and with “no one will hurt me anymore”. It is impossible to achieve emotional invulnerability and a fairytale life in which every expressed dream comes true.

Life has no reins, no one can know what will happen tomorrow,  nor can we set ourselves unattainable goals. Dreaming is not negative, absolutely, it feeds our ambitions and by extension the strength and resources we use to achieve our goals. However, you have to be humble and learn to get carried away, with more flexibility.

boyfriends and dog

Well now, “getting carried away” absolutely does not mean selecting the automatic “driver” and allowing things to happen by chance or by inertia. We all have the helm of our life in hand and we know what pace to take, and we will guide our days overcoming the wind and storms. With strength and courage.

Image courtesy of: Pascal Campion

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