I Like People Who Convey Positive Vibes

I like people who convey positive vibes

I want to surround myself with people who transmit positive vibes, who are alive, who infect me with their enthusiasm, who embrace me with their words and who smile at me with their loving and affectionate gestures.

I want those vibrations to infect me and to be transmitted to everyone around me. I want it to vibrate my whole life, my heart, my skin.

I want people who believe in themselves and who believe in me and in my dreams, who struggle to overcome themselves every day, who vibrate and make me vibrate.

“Get away from those who doubt you, unite with those who appreciate you, get rid of those who hinder you and love those who tolerate you”

(Paulo Coelho)

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5 things people with good vibes do

1) They make mistakes

Making mistakes is human, but you need to learn from them. We will stumble a thousand times and each of these falls represents a teaching that will enrich us with new points of view and forms of thought.

2) They don’t get close to toxic people

There are people who absorb your energy, who seek you because they know that you are optimistic and positive and, little by little, they appropriate your good thoughts.

You are often sorry and find it hard to detach yourself from the people who impose their yoke on you, disguised as good intentions.

A person with positive and optimistic vibes does not accept into his life someone who sees everything black, who does nothing to overcome his problems and who spends his time criticizing others.

3) They don’t see their problems as obstacles      

In the eyes of people with positive vibes, problems are opportunities. “If I lose my job, I will have the opportunity to do new things and meet other people”, “if my partner leaves me, I will be able to enjoy the solitude and get to know myself better”, “if a loved one dies, I will have the opportunity to appreciate the importance of time spent with my family and close friends ”.

There are no problems, only opportunities to learn.

4) They do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by fear

Fear is among the monsters that most persecute the human being. We are afraid of changes, of being as we would like, of the judgments of others, of the consequences of our actions.

Fear prevents us from living a full and happy existence. It is an emotion that is okay to feel in the face of real danger, but when there is an imaginary danger at stake, we must move on and overcome our fears. It is right to be cautious, but we must never abandon our purpose.

It is clear that we will make mistakes, but we must not be afraid of them: we must simply consider every lesson that life gives us and make it our own.

5) They don’t compare with others

People full of positive vibes know that each person is different and that each life evolves in a distinct way ; therefore, he does not compare himself with others.

A person with good vibes is confident in his abilities and knows his flaws; it does not focus on what others are doing, it does not criticize them and it does not judge them. Her main interest is to improve her day by day life.

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How to get away from people with negative vibes

Analyze your person

How do you plan to act in the face of life situations? In a positive or negative way?

If you feel that energy and negative thoughts occupy most of the situations in your life and interpersonal relationships, then it is time to work on yourself. When you change, you will attract people with positive vibes into your life.

Evaluate the companions of your journey

You need to observe your fellow walkers: co-workers, friends, casual contacts, your partner, etc. Are they positive or negative people?

Get away from negative individuals in the face of life and take into account those who transmit positive energy, joy, magic to you. Those that make you vibrate with emotion, love and passion.

Get away from situations where there are toxic people

In certain situations of our daily life, we meet toxic people. It is necessary to identify these circumstances and avoid them, in order not to come into contact with people who transmit negative vibrations, who are extinguished inside.


Vibrate, always. Do not let yourself be carried away by the crowd, push yourself towards what you want, towards your dreams, regardless of fear or the opinions of others. Surround yourself with people with positive vibes.

Move, sing, dance, run, spread your wings, do things that you are passionate about, hug the people you like, who love you, let the rain wet you and the moon illuminate you, let the sunlight invade you. your veins and may the clouds protect you with their shadow.

“I like people who vibrate, whom you don’t have to constantly urge and who don’t need to be told what to do because they already know and do it in less time than hoped. I like people who cultivate their dreams, until they take control of their reality. “

(Mario Benedetti)

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