Couvade Syndrome: Male Empathic Pregnancy

There are cases in which the man, together with his pregnant partner, accuses the typical symptoms of pregnancy. The phenomenon is known as Couvade’s syndrome.
Couvade syndrome: male empathic pregnancy

Although most psychology articles focus on well-known mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety, there are other psychological problems that can be equally or more disabling. One of the most curious is Couvade syndrome, also known as male empathic pregnancy.

This syndrome occurs most often when the couple is expecting their first child. In some cases (between 10 and 65%, depending on the study from which the data comes), the father somatizes several typical symptoms of pregnancy. The name of the disorder derives from the French word couver, which means to incubate or breed.

In this article we will look at the most common symptoms of Couvade syndrome , as well as the possible causes.

Couvade syndrome: what is it about?

Couvade syndrome is a psychological disorder that causes symptoms similar to those of their partner’s pregnancy in some men.

Although the exact cause of this syndrome is still unknown, it is believed that it may depend on an excess of empathy towards the woman’s interesting state and with the organic changes it can generate.

Symptoms of pregnancy

Although this disorder almost certainly has a mental origin, it significantly alters the hormonal balance of the men who suffer from it.

It has recently been found that testosterone levels decrease in most affected individuals, while prolactin (a major pregnancy-related hormone) increases.

Experts differentiate Couvade syndrome from other disorders, such as psychological pregnancy. The latter occurs mainly in women; however, they are both classified as psychosomatic disorders – problems in which the mind causes real changes in the body.

Most common symptoms

Symptoms of this disorder usually appear around the first three months of pregnancy and usually disappear when the baby is born. Since it does not pose a significant health hazard to the men who suffer from it, Couvade’s syndrome is not considered a major problem.

However, the symptoms can be very annoying. Some of the most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning.
  • Mood swings, increased irritability and emotional sensitivity.
  • Cravings and repulsion for specific foods and smells.
  • Sudden changes in weight, both gain and loss.
  • Bowel problems, such as diarrhea, wind or stomach pain.
  • Abdominal pain, similar to contractions.

While they do not pose a real health risk to the person suffering from this syndrome, they can still cause discomfort. But what is the cause of this disorder?

Why Couvade syndrome occurs

Experts still don’t agree on the causes of this particular ailment.  Below we present the most relevant explanations on why the onset of Couvade syndrome.

1- Hormonal imbalances

Some experts believe that the hormonal imbalances produced during pregnancy in the woman’s body could in turn affect those of the man, contributing to the decrease in testosterone and the increase in prolactin.

2- Excessive empathy

Some studies suggest that men who tend to put themselves in their partner’s shoes more often are more likely to show symptoms of this syndrome. Therefore, the predisposition to share the weight with the mother or the desire to actively participate in the pregnancy could be the cause of the problem.

Male pregnancy

3- Anxiety and stress

Pregnancy is always a major change in a couple’s life. As such, it can become a stressful situation that fosters paternal anxiety. Furthermore, excessive anxiety is related to lowering of testosterone, which could therefore be one of the causes of this disorder.

4- Jealousy

Some psychologists suggest that, unconsciously, a man suffering from Couvade syndrome is jealous of his partner, who may feel a new life growing inside him, or of the child, who could take away his leading role in his partner’s life.

Precisely this jealousy would be the cause of the disorder, as one unconsciously tries to attract attention.

Although it can be annoying, Couvade syndrome presents no danger to the men who suffer from it. If you or your partner are experiencing an episode of this type, consult a mental health professional who can help you get through this stage successfully.

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