SDQ Questionnaire: Mental Disorders In Minors

The SDQ questionnaire makes it possible to formulate an early diagnosis of the psychological difficulties that children face. It offers us a picture that can be easily obtained, but very valid in terms of the reliability of the information.
SDQ questionnaire: mental disorders in minors

It is estimated that about 15% of the child population suffers from some form of psychological disorder. Yet, it is not easy to identify them or to formulate exact diagnoses, given that in many cases the line that separates the clinical symptoms collides or is confused with manifestations that are not an indication of disturbance. The SDQ questionnaire is an excellent resource for identifying possible mental health problems in children and young people. We talk about it below.

Childhood is a crucial stage in which early diagnosis can halt the progression of the disorder and comorbidity with other psychological disorders. But it is also a vital moment in which to enhance the child’s qualities and abilities. The complete SDQ questionnaire shows us both the frailties and the strengths of the child.

SDQ questionnaire to understand why the child is sad

The SDQ questionnaire for early diagnosis

The Skills and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a screening tool. This means that it is meant to perform an initial scan and to identify possible risk factors. At a later stage, it will be necessary to verify and complete the assessment in depth, using other tools. However, it is a very good first tool.

It is a simple questionnaire consisting of 25 items divided into five subscales. Four of them evaluate the difficulties, while the last one measures prosocial conduct. It can be administered to minors between the ages of 4 and 16 and also comes in a version that can be completed by parents, teachers or by children if they possess the necessary cognitive maturity.

Each statement consists of three answer options: absolutely false, partially true, absolutely true. Based on the answers, a score will be obtained for each evaluated area, as well as a global index of difficulty. The scales of which the SDQ questionnaire is composed are the following:

Level of emotionality

  • You often have a headache, stomach pain, or nausea.
  • He has several concerns. He often appears restless or worried.
  • He often feels unhappy, lacks enthusiasm, or cries.
  • He appears nervous or lacking in autonomy in the face of new situations. He easily loses his confidence in himself.
  • He has a lot of fears, he gets scared easily.

Behavioral disorders

  • Often has a tantrum or is in a bad mood.
  • Generally speaking, he is obedient, he tends to do what adults ask him to do.
  • He often fights with other children or takes it out on someone.
  • Often lies or deceives.
  • Steal items from your home, school, or other places.


  • He is restless, hyperactive, unable to sit still for long.
  • It moves constantly and is rebellious.
  • He tends to get distracted easily, his concentration tends to wane.
  • Think about things before you do them.
  • It finishes what it starts, it has a good dose of concentration.

Problems with companions

  • He is mostly a solitaire and tends to play solo.
  • He has at least one good friend.
  • In general, he likes other children.
  • Other children take it out on him / her or make fun of him / her.
  • It behaves better with adults and not with other children.

Prosocial scale of the SDQ questionnaire

  • It takes into account the feelings of other people.
  • He often shares with other children.
  • It offers help to anyone who is hurt, sorry or unwell.
  • Treat younger children well.
  • She often offers to help her parents, teachers, or other children.
Children sharing an apple

Correction and interpretation of the SDQ questionnaire

As far as correction is concerned, only the first four scales are taken into consideration (omitting that of prosocial conduct). On this basis, a difficulty score will be obtained which will determine whether it is necessary to carry out a further, more in-depth analysis, precisely because an anomaly in the profile has been identified.

If you get a score equal to or greater than 16, you consider the existence of emotional or behavioral difficulties, resulting in the need to evaluate in depth. To do this, this questionnaire is particularly useful for assessing the child population in habitual settings, such as primary health care centers or schools.

In this way it will be possible to identify conditions early on which otherwise would perhaps never have been identified. This will make it possible to carry out an assessment, diagnosis and adequate intervention that minimize the impact of the disorder, halt its course, preventing future problems.

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