Men Who Really Love Women

Men who really love women

“Childhood love follows the ‘I love because I am loved’ principle. Mature love obeys the principle “I am loved because I love.” Immature love says “I love you because I need you”. Mature love says “I need you because I love you”.

–Erich Fromm–

Loving is an art, and like any art, it is practiced and improved

In the collective imagination there are many myths and labels relating to what a “real man” should be like, but it is rare that these beliefs are replaced or at least supplemented by others a little more constructive.

Sometimes, the passion between two lovers is alluded to as something unstoppable, far from being controlled by the protagonists involved. It is a principle that may seem exciting, yet, unfortunately, in reality it often happens that the two protagonists become the torturers of their own love, when the passion becomes obsessive and then toxic.

Their passion turns into a prison  and the fantastic stories of romance novels are a far cry.

When passion becomes a whirlwind of jealousy and reproaches, the constructive relationship and magic  are set aside to give way to an unfortunate, bitter and counterproductive existence.


Hollywood films tell us very little about how coexistence really works, what a real exchange of existences means. The fact that it is intimate and equal does not make coexistence less mysterious and lively for those who have the privilege of living it.

However, for those who yearn to contemplate the true moral nobility of a love story in a “real and uncensored” version, Michael Haneke’s film “Amour” is an excellent example to understand how a love based on intimacy and intimacy really works. on mutual respect.

The irresistible charm of men who do not impose, who only share

Particularly underestimated are those men who really try to share, conquer, know.

There is very little of them in the heroes who wage battles, in the bloodthirsty men of war. But despite their way of being is not reflected in myths, it can be found in human nature.

It is relatively easy to find men who yearn anxiously to become heroes and conquerors, but very few are those who truly aspire to transform themselves into the most perfect version of a man, the furthest from being a beast by being  grateful for the gift of reason, trying to improve rather than dominate.


It is undoubtedly the refinement of these behaviors and these attitudes that delight hearts whose path is intertwined with theirs. They will see each other again in their aspirations, in their sighs, in their dreams reflected in the female universe.

They will never turn into nightmares, they will forever be shared dreams.

Men who really love women

Men who really love women… are always reciprocated. It may be that they do not enjoy the pleasure of reciprocity in terms of space and time, yet their imprint will always be burned into the women who have the pleasure of knowing them.

Men who really love women don’t impose, they don’t force. They are not even obsessed with seduction, rather with the pleasure of being seduced.

They are not attracted to the reputation of the women who accompany them. They tend to pay more attention to the qualities that will allow them to experience joy every day of their life.

They give more importance to a woman’s struggle to affirm her true identity, with all the consequences and virtues that this battle has marked in her.


They usually follow their companions in their conquests, since they consider the happiness of the couple to be complete only when both triumph for those shared values; not for appearance or possessions.

They recognize that love can end, they feel dizzy at the thought of looking out over the precipice of passion,  but they don’t give up on it for this.

Trying to protect a love by keeping it locked up is like feeling happiness by leaving a chocolate wrapped in paper.

They are those who know how to appreciate the value of stability and routine, but only if it is based on a real desire on the part of two souls to remain united.

They have seen so many hearts breaking after being spectators, that they prefer to make art, without limiting themselves to observing the tradition of loving.

Ultimately, men who truly love women always love in a way that doesn’t hurt, that doesn’t choke, that doesn’t bury. They know how to masterfully fade the weapons with which society chokes hearts, to the point that one cannot help but strongly desire to be with them.

Men who love women are very numerous, but they need to be claimed and recognized in the present times.

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