Healthy Friendships, Bonds That Help To Grow

Healthy friendships make a great contribution to our lives. They help us grow as people and accompany us along the way.
Healthy friendships, bonds that help you grow

Every friendship is a world populated by people who shape it and their relationship. There are those who find themselves, others that time or circumstances put an end to and those that help to grow because they give strength and support. The latter are healthy friendships.

Healthy friendships are recognized by the fact that those who build them put love, respect and trust into them. They are the artisans of good times, companions in bad times and inspire smiles.

Characteristics of healthy friendships

Healthy friendships encourage us to grow and evolve, they motivate us. They work as that impulse that we sometimes need so much, but also as a listening that makes us feel understood and valued. Other features of these reports are:

  • Honesty. True friends are honest, sincere, respectful, fair people. They have no double ends, no self-interest.
  • Assertiveness. Communicating in the most direct way is another characteristic of true friends. Their goal is always well-being.
  • They have limits. They know how to say no. They do not act to please, but to maintain the balance and well-being of the friendship.
  • They foster trust. Believing in the other is fundamental in this type of bond. Building security in the relationship, dispelling fears and prejudices are a priority.

Healthy friendships are, therefore, authentic. They allow us to show ourselves how we really are. In this way they make us feel free: it is the basis for sharing unforgettable moments. This does not mean that there are no conflicts, but that in the face of a difference of opinion, the relationship comes first and not the need to convince the other.

Friends hugging and coffee

How is a healthy friendship built?

Healthy friendships are the result of effort, values, and even some skills. Let’s see the most important:

  • Acceptance. Accepting the other and ourselves is the basis of authenticity, that thread which, together with respect and tolerance, allows us to weave a healthy relationship.
  • Optimism. Giving less space to complaints and judgment is key in a constructive friendship. Likewise, an optimistic outlook is.
  • Assertive communication. Conveying what we want to say in the best way, whether it is in agreement or in disagreement is the secret to relating with others. In this way, the friend can understand our point of view and misunderstandings are avoided.
  • Respect. Knowing how far we can go and how far the other can go and, above all, understanding it is respect.
  • Forget the competition. It doesn’t matter who gets the most results or who reaches the goal first, it matters to grow, evolve, transform. Because life is not a race, but an adventure in which the most important ingredient is learning.
  • Emotional management. Knowing how to manage our emotions helps us to be more assertive and to better understand our own and others’ behavior. It is of great help if you want to build a healthy friendship.

In addition to all these characteristics, we cannot forget that knowing oneself is also fundamental. In fact, self-awareness helps us to be better people, even in our relationships.

Being able to count on a healthy friendship: what are the benefits?

There are many benefits that come from a healthy bond. For example, remember that:

  • Increase happiness.
  • Strengthen the sense of belonging.
  • It reduces stress.
  • Build confidence.
  • Cultivate authenticity.
  • Increase positivity.
  • It is good support.
Two girlfriends form a heart with their hands

It’s amazing how well healthy friendships can do. Being able to rely on them also helps you age well. This is also what the researches claim. The psychosocial networks and mechanisms we build throughout life play an important role in aging.

Being able to trust each other, being an active part in a friendship relationship has proven positive effects. Having good friends therefore means having a better life, especially in old age.

Finally, an equally important aspect is the ability, typical of some friends, to act as an analgesic or antidote to our fears and anxieties. They not only help us overcome difficulties thanks to the support they offer, but they literally promote our well-being.

It is wonderful to be able to grow up alongside friends who “feed” us and help us be better people. We never stop giving them the importance they deserve, appreciating the time they dedicate to us and the love they give us.

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