Othello’s Syndrome: When Jealousy Is Uncontrollable And Pathological

Othello's syndrome: when jealousy is uncontrollable and pathological

Being jealous is quite normal in a relationship, the problem is being jealous in an uncontrollable, constant and morbid way. In this case, jealousy is no longer a simple concern: it becomes a real pathology, the so-called Othello syndrome.

Also known as obsessive or delusional jealousy, this syndrome  takes its name from William Shakespeare’s “Othello”.  In the tragedy, Othello, the main character, is devoured by constant and unfounded suspicions about the infidelity of his wife Desdemona, to the point of killing her and later taking his own life.

People who, like Othello, fall into the abyss of obsessive distrust of their partner, based only on their own imagination, suffer from this syndrome. Let’s see with what characteristics this syndrome presents itself, what may be the causes and what is the indicated treatment.

Characteristics of Othello’s syndrome

According to the DSM-V,  Othello syndrome is a delusional disorder of the jealous type. It is a feeling of pathological or extreme jealousy that arises around the idea of ​​the partner’s alleged infidelity.

The behavior of those with Othello syndrome is totally irrational.  Sufferers see what they want to see, regardless of whether or not there is real evidence confirming their beliefs. In this regard, he will continually seek, in a meticulous and obsessive way, evidence of the alleged betrayal of the partner on his mobile phone or computer or by constantly subjecting him to questioning about his movements or meetings. The obsessive delirium of which he is prey will even make him believe that his partner has changed habits since he started cheating on him.

Woman suffering from Othello's syndrome

Othello’s syndrome is a pathology that can have dramatic implications  given the attacks of uncontrollable and irrational jealousy that the person suffering from it suffers from. In some cases, the subject will even feel at the center of a conspiracy, completely betrayed by the partner.

Furthermore, jealousy can be influenced by other people (just as Othello is influenced by Iago in Shakespeare’s play) or even by the media. Every detail can become relevant.

Here are some aspects that can be useful to understand if a person suffers from this syndrome:

  • Constant search for evidence and questioning about the partner’s habits.
  • I suspect the existence of a lover.
  • Inability to control jealousy, to the point of not being aware of it.
  • Inability to restrain one’s impulses.
  • Search for explanations that justify suspicions and misinterpretations of the partner’s behavior.

Causes of Othello’s syndrome

So far, no studies have been able to prove 100% the true causes of this syndrome. However, some factors more than others can affect its development, including alcoholism, schizophrenia and addictions.

According to some studies,  there is a relationship between Othello’s syndrome and neuro-degenerative diseases  such  as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Other studies would instead show a relationship between the syndrome in question and the presence of brain lesions in the affected subject. In some individuals, therefore, there may be a physiological explanation in the appearance of the pathology.

We must not underestimate the emotional component, in particular linked to self-esteem, which together with the behavioral component acts in the onset of obsessive jealousy.

Despite these researches, however, we are still far from discovering the true cause behind the development of Othello’s syndrome.

How is obsessive jealousy treated?

To cope with obsessive jealousy, you need the support of an expert. By contacting a specialist, the person affected by this disorder will learn to control the attacks of jealousy and to recover personal serenity and harmony with the partner. The specialist will have a fundamental role in establishing the origin of the malaise, its evolutionary stage, the consequences and what other problems related to it may arise.

Woman and psychologist

The most used treatment that has been able to guarantee the best results is cognitive-behavioral therapy.  It includes behavioral techniques such as exposure with response prevention along with cognitive restructuring. However, in extreme cases, support from medical therapy is recommended to keep the impulses under control.

Equally important is family and couple therapy,  as jealousy can be linked to particular episodes in the patient’s personal life.

Othello’s syndrome is a disorder that cannot be underestimated, given the serious consequences that can arise from it. It is therefore advisable to consult a specialist if typical characteristics of this pathology are found.

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