7 Characteristics Of Authentic People

7 characteristics of authentic people

Do you know authentic people? Are you one of them? Do you know what they are like? Perhaps you have close to or have known people of this type in the past and you have not even noticed. These people are a breath of fresh air, able to fill any place they are with life.

They are easy to identify, because when they come into your life, they fill it with energy, joy and inspiration. They have a nice demeanor, and everyone feels good and confident around them.

Authentic people make us feel so good that they allow us to truly be ourselves. When you are with them, you can put aside falsehood or prejudice. They know that every person is special, and they will make you feel unique and irreplaceable. Here are the main characteristics of authentic people!

1. They are not afraid to express their opinion

Genuine people know that it is seldom good for an opinion to remain unspoken. If they have something to say, they say it and point. But be warned: they always worry not to cause harm or hurt others when they do. They try to make themselves heard and put their ideas to the test, but they don’t want to hurt anyone.

Very often we prefer to hide our opinion because we are afraid of criticism. Genuine people know it’s easy to be judged, but criticism doesn’t always reflect who we are. They understand that the opinion that others have about them is only superficial. One of their best virtues is that they know that opinions don’t have to be taken personally.

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2. They act for internal rather than external reasons

When was the last time you did something simply because you wanted to do it? Authentic people base their lives on their own scale of values, and do only what they want. They know they cannot depend on others to be happy and to achieve their goals. They are independent and willing to take risks to get where they want.

3. Their best friend is their “inner self”

Authentic people are very different from each other. Some have many friends because they are good at relating to others. Others are more introverted and prefer to have few but very close friends.

They will never do anything that goes against their value system, and their inner conversation is positive. They do not allow themselves to be sabotaged by the defeatist internal dialogue.

4. They avoid judging

Authentic people know that it is not easy to follow their own path, and therefore they do not waste time judging. Chances are, if they have to tell you something or give you their sincere opinion, they will give it to you. But then they will forget about it and let you make your own decisions. You can count on their most honest support and you can expect a sincere opinion from them.

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5. They know and value their strengths

Even though advertising tries to convince us that some beauty standards are the most appropriate, authentic people know that each of us is special. They don’t bother to meet pre-established fees. They focus on knowing themselves and value themselves for who they are.

They also know their flaws and weaknesses, and have learned to take advantage of them or minimize their negative effects.

6. They don’t give advice they wouldn’t follow

Genuine people know that criticizing, judging, or talking too much is bad. They also know that giving an opinion or advice is easier than putting it into practice. For this reason, when you ask them for their advice, they think carefully before speaking.

You will recognize them because they are the people who give you the most realistic advice. They succeed because they speak from their own experience, and they will never suggest you do something they would not do.

7. They take care of themselves physically and emotionally

Authentic people value themselves for who they are and do everything they can to keep both their body and mind in shape. They dedicate time to take care of their beauty, do physical activity, take care of their nutrition and their interpersonal relationships. They know that life is a matter of priority, and that we must give everything due weight.

Authentic people breathe free and allow those around them to be honest. Maybe you too are one of these people and you hadn’t noticed it or you have an authentic person by your side. If you have this luck, value her and accept her as she is, because she will do the same!

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