We Were A Short Story That I Will Reread A Thousand Times

We were a short story that I will reread a thousand times

Before meeting you, I didn’t know I could fall in love in just two days, I didn’t know that your caresses lasted a few hours, would remain in my heart for a long time to come. We have been separated by a distance of months and kilometers and those two days have turned into a short story, which I have reread a thousand times.

Our fairytale is made of reality, of glances exchanged at midnight, of hugs given under the sheets, of naked bodies illuminated by the morning light. It is a story made of what we said to each other in a few hours, of what we were starting to feel, of the short time in which we had begun to share our lives with each other.

A short story in which you showed me myself

Despite the time that has passed, I have never forgotten that, for a moment, you were my accomplice, the person to trust, you supported me and understood me in a moment when no one else did, you reminded me of what it means to laugh, what it means to cry and what it means to feel, you taught me that I have to be myself.

Couple looking into each other's eyes

You opened my eyes to a world that, until then, I only saw from an external perspective, a world that they had designed for me, but with which I had nothing to do. I fought with the strength you gave me, even when you were no longer by my side.

I wrote you a thousand stories, which we drew with the substance of my dreams, we reduced the distance that separated us by continuing to talk and laugh, preventing the oceans from holding us back.

What I have learned from you

In two days you can learn a lot, you strip two bodies and a lot of feelings. In two days, I learned from you that we need to be sure of living the life we ​​want, without thinking about what others want, that if we open our eyes and look closely, we will see many things and many people who, at times, do not. we can see.

You taught me what pleasure is, what laughter is, what a strong and slow hug is, what it means to have someone who truly appreciates me. You taught me to understand what I wanted and what I want and, above all, everything I don’t want.

A short story that never ends

Now I know that we will not be together, at least for the moment, I do not know what will happen in the future, if we will find a common place and time to be able to embrace again and in which our eyes will understand each other without having to say a word.

When I see you, I will always remember the story of our two days spent together and, without even realizing it, we will find ourselves walking among the trees, remembering what we said to each other and what we were never able to say.

I will always remember your last sentence, when you told me that “this is not the last time “, right before an ocean separated us for much longer than we thought. An ocean of time that has melted our fairy tale, our hugs and our looks, among its own waves made of days and hours spent without you.

I often wonder if this is a fairy tale that has ended forever, and my heart does not want to accept it, because it is not possible that chance has brought me to you and that now life and the oceans of time do not allow us to to see each other and to find ourselves again.

Couple strolling at night

Maybe we will write a new story and we will dare to rewrite a story that is not over, maybe it will all end here because it has to be and because new things have to happen, which we do not yet know. Only time will whisper our story to us.

My strategy

My strategy is to look at you, it is to share my time with you, it is to respect your choice, it is to understand your love for another person. I want you to be part of my life, I don’t care how, as long as you are there. I want us to listen to each other, that we continue to know each other, that nothing prevents us from having a confidence that grows with every second shared together.

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