Positive Emotional Intelligence: The Secret To Success

Positive emotional intelligence: the secret to success

Emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of success in life .  This is what Daniel Goleman thinks. For this reason, positive emotional intelligence can be crucial in making us find what we really want.

The philosopher César Ojeda, based on the studies of professionals in emotional intelligence and positive psychology such as Goleman, Fromm or Rojas, tried to explain what this union consists of which brings so much to our lives.

Emotions and the modern world

According to Ojeda, emotions continue to be viewed as irrational according to the Western thought framework. It is as if we have to behave as absolutely rational beings. However, this quasi-technical view of the human being, who could turn into a machine, seems to be dissolving with the passage of time. Despite this,  the separation of reason and emotions, when it is not a question of confrontation, persists.   

In fact, it persists to such an extent that we move in an industrialized environment, where everything flows quickly. In such a situation, terms such as effectiveness or efficiency are synonymous with personal, social and professional success.

To this must be added the emergence of social networks. Worldview may vary for an individual based on Facebook status or their Twitter comments. However, all of this leaves aside issues like love, feelings, equality and unity.

Positive emotional intelligence as a tool to get to know each other better

Many have studied the consequences that new trends have on contemporary societies. As we have said, to the names already mentioned, such as those of Fromm or Goleman, there are other equally important ones, such as that of Frankl. Apparently, all of these come to a simple conclusion, which is that you need to know yourself well. Something that might seem common sense and excessively simple, but that has a logical explanation.

Let us remember that man, as a human being, is always the same. It is historical and social circumstances that change. We, as physical beings, are always the same.    

For this reason,  positive emotional intelligence continues to be as valid as it was up to 2000 years or 100 years ago. It brings the ability to learn to perceive, understand and manage one’s emotions wisely and correctly.

Emotions are intrinsic to the human being

All these thinkers and psychologists consider emotions as intrinsic to the human being himself. They are integrated into the realm of reason, so they can be channeled to obtain great benefits on an individual and social level.

Thus emotions are not enemies of reason,  but ideal tools to extrapolate the potential that each person has within himself. In this way, we will enjoy a healthier, fuller and more harmonious life.

A combination of wise reason and a broad emotional spectrum is the perfect combination to face any difficulty.  Why, after all, isn’t knowing how to deal with problems is the secret to success?

The secret is positive emotional intelligence

If we can combine emotional intelligence, with its wisdom approach to facing the world, with the positivism of the individual, who always wants to improve as much as possible, we will get a happier human being as a result.

For this reason, both Ojeda and the psychologists he refers to in his studies propose to forget for a while the contemporary aspiration of sophisticated and technical professionalism. We must not adapt to current models, but to human ones.

Positive emotional intelligence is the ideal tool for achieving vital fullness. We must forget the excessive commodification of man and the search for high professionalism. According to these authors, the secret to success may lie in the wise combination of reason and emotion.

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