Quotes By Ezra Pound On Life And Politics

Ezra Pound’s phrases reveal a surprising vitality. The poet, albeit harshly criticized for his strong political positions, was a lucid intellectual with an extraordinary sensitivity.
Quotes by Ezra Pound on life and politics

Ezra Pound’s phrases have a unique charm. Although in life he became the protagonist of episodes of undoubted controversy, such as his support for Benito Mussolini, this does not detract from his impeccable literary work.

The ultimate goal of the great American poet was to create a union between classical poetry and modernism. This is reflected in his particular style, as well as in the issues addressed. In Ezra Pound’s sentences we find references ranging from the mythological sphere to the political or economic sphere.

In addition to being a poet, he was also a musician, essayist and even translator, although he did not have great luck with this profession. He declared himself an enemy of romanticism and devoted much of his life to his main work: The Cantos .

7 surprising phrases by Ezra Pound

1. The art of governing

Ezra Pound shows his witty ability to understand the phenomena of power: “Governance is the art of creating problems whose solution keeps the population in restlessness”.

Regardless of his personal political positions, this sentence is masterful. It shows the essence of all governments, applicable to any historical context. Many times the goal of the powerful is not to solve difficulties, on the contrary, to create them. This is a guarantee of greater control.

Politician holding a speech

2. One of Ezra Pound’s phrases about freedom

A quote from Ezra Pound so overwhelming that it leaves you speechless: “Slave is he who waits for someone to come and free him” . A very interesting perspective on freedom.

With this sentence he agrees practically all the psychological currents according to which subjects are called to understand the need to take the reins of their destiny in order to become responsible for their own life. Freedom that comes from responsibility.

3. Modern warfare

This is by no means a pacifist phrase. He does not take sides against the war, but invokes a very suggestive clarification in this regard. ” The real trouble with modern warfare is that it doesn’t give anyone the opportunity to kill the right people.” 

Beyond the violence of this statement, the implicit denunciation expressed by the poet is interesting. Wars are not fought by those who provoke them, on the contrary, those in power are often barely affected by them. Wars end up harming the innocent victims of both bans.

4. People around the rich

With this sentence, Ezra Pound launches a harsh criticism of some aspects of social reality: “Come, friend, and remember that the rich have butlers and not friends”. 

It is a succinct phrase with which it suggests that money is not necessarily a source of happiness. At the same time, wealth itself promotes servility and hypocrisy around it. This is why it is said, in colloquial terms, that only the poor have true friends.

5. What to be afraid of

This beautiful phrase is more like a poetic line. Ezra Pound says: “You should be more wary of time than of my eyes”. It is a profound and wonderful metaphor about the world of bad deeds.

When someone hurts another person or gets into a destructive or harmful attitude, the perpetrator may think they have gotten away with it because no one has seen them. The truth, however, is that with time everything comes to the surface, and sooner or later the negative consequences of one’s actions will have to be addressed.

6. Gratitude

Among the phrases of Ezra Pound we also remember: “And if the old cold strangles your business, be grateful when the night passes”. A delicate and ingenious form to express a concept linked to negative situations.

Sometimes, what we consider an adversity turns out to be a situation that forces us to step out of our comfort zone and build something new. Many of our greatest achievements actually begin when something happens that forces us to be reborn.

Girl with folded hands

7. Ezra Pound’s phrases: what is sacred

This phrase refers to the essence of what is sacred, through a direct and profound perspective. “The temple is sacred because it is not for sale.” This is an affirmation applicable not only to the strictly religious sphere, but to everything that is transcendent.

Ezra Pound intends to explain that the value of what is sacred lies in the fact that it cannot be traded. It is neither bought nor sold. It cannot be the subject of any transaction, because the sacred in itself is priceless.

Ezra Pound was probably not fully aware of the implications of his political positions: he was accused of treason and banned from many intellectual circles. However, as we see, his statements are so lucid and universal that they can hardly be attributed to a single ideology.

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