The Seven Wonders Of The World

The seven wonders of the world

There are places in the world that are really worth visiting. Dream places, which will remain etched in our eyes and mind forever for their beauty and majesty.

Already in the year 126 BC, the ancient Greeks were dedicated to discovering the most beautiful monuments and places on Earth. The most famous of all was Antipater of Sidon, a Hellenic poet who was entrusted with the task of drawing up the list of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”. Unfortunately, due to the inexorable passage of time, the cruelty of wars or the human being, many of these places were destroyed and fell into oblivion.

In 2007 it was proposed to list the seven wonders of the modern world. Do you want to find out what they are? Then get ready for an unforgettable journey.

Chichén Itzá

Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, it is a very important archaeological complex, a symbol of the Mayan culture in Mexico. The most characteristic aspect of this place is undoubtedly the Kukulcan Temple, a pyramid with a perfectly rectangular base dedicated to the Mayan god


. Inside this building hundreds of precious stones, gold, weapons and other treasures of great value have been found. Although archaeologists believe there are still many other things to discover.


Roman Colosseum

Built in a period of great splendor for the Roman Empire, this amphitheater could hold more than 50,000 spectators. On the lower tiers sat the citizens belonging to the humblest social classes, while the upper areas housed the senators and Roman emperors. It was the Emperor Titus who enjoyed the Colosseum in its heyday in 80 AD. The inauguration of the amphitheater lasted 100 days and bloody battles between the best gladiators of the empire took place on the arena.


Christ Redeemer

We are talking about a gigantic statue of Christ. It reaches 38 meters in height and rests on a base 8 meters high. The construction of Christ the Redeemer began in 1926 and ended in 1931. The statue is characterized by the posture of Christ with open arms to “welcome” all the citizens of Rio de Janeiro and especially the pilgrims who come to visit the monument dedicated to his son. of God.


The Great Wall of China

Construction began in the fifth century and did not finish before the late sixteenth century. The wall stretches for 8851 kilometers and is said to have been guarded by a million warriors during the Ming Dynasty period. It is considered the “largest cemetery” in the world because more than 10 million workers died during construction. It is the only man-made work that can be seen from the moon.

Chinese wall

Petra, Jordan

It is not a real monument. This place was carved and carved directly into stone (hence the name) by the Edomites in the 7th century BC Later, the Nabataeans conquered it. Thanks to them, it became a highly prosperous site because it was a resting place where several routes crossed that connected Egypt and Syria to the Mediterranean, along which the spice trade took place.


The Taj Mahal

Located in the city of Arga, the Taj Mahal is a vast architectural complex built by Emperor Shah Jahan of the Mughal dynasty for one of his favorite brides, Mumtaz Mahal. Many architectural elements that are influenced by Islamic, Persian, Indian and even Turkish art. This mausoleum is one of the main tourist attractions of India.


Machu Picchu

The name of this Inca archaeological site means “Old Mountain” located in Peru at 2499 meters above sea level. It is said that it was one of the residences of the Inca ruler Pachacutec between 1430 and 1470. It has a certain aura of mystery due to the numerous legends that have been written about this place over time. For this reason, it is one of the most visited tourist destinations on the entire planet.


After this beautiful journey around the world and its seven most beautiful and majestic wonders, where would you go?

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