Developing Willpower With 5 Strategies

Develop willpower with 5 strategies

In many cases the will is the convergence of conscious and unconscious desire. But if the needles of the two compasses diverge, we set a goal and end up acting in the opposite way. In other words, we complicate our lives voluntarily, because we don’t know what to focus our energies on. It follows that to develop willpower and get the most out of it, the first step is to clearly determine our goal.

One of the most interesting aspects of our actions is that in many cases we do what we want – choosing between two alternatives – although it is difficult to recognize it.

Many of our “may or may not” are actually “want or not want”. For this reason, rather than developing willpower , in many cases the real problem is identifying our desire in the range of options available to us.

Why is it important to develop willpower? One reason is simple: to have more control over our life. To direct it where it indicates the heart and conviction. Here are five tips to make this process easier.

Strategies for developing willpower

1. Getting to know each other, analyzing oneself

The most important premise for developing willpower is self-knowledge. As we have already said, sometimes we don’t even know what we want. For this reason we aim for a goal, but the will yields. We fail to maintain or strengthen our goal.

Fabric heart reflected in a mirror

A typical example is when we try to lose weight. Many work hard and manage to lose weight, but after a short time they give up on it. Others give up in the early hours. In many cases the efforts required to achieve the goal were too much for one’s strength and the will yielded. Or the reason we wanted to lose weight was not “metabolized” by willpower.

In this case – and in many others – if we do not identify that something that really pushes us to move, the will abandons.

This is why it is important to do an introspection exercise to get to know each other better, understand what we really want, evaluate how constructive our desire is. By doing this, it will be easier to develop willpower.

2. Overcoming the trend of instant gratification

Often the actions that lead to instant gratification clash with what we need to accomplish to achieve long-term gratification.

If we have to use our willpower to support a decision, it is evident that there is an unpleasant aspect to it or that deprives us of a pleasure.

Is the alternative to give in to pleasure, to immediate and momentary desire, or to give up this gratification in function of a more distant goal?  Let’s think of a smoker. The dilemma he faces is: do I smoke this cigarette or do I change the pleasure of smoking it for the satisfaction I will feel when I overcome the addiction and improve my health? This question causes all the more indecision the further we feel our long-term goal or the more doubts we have about feasibility.

3. Reward effort

If we break down big goals into small challenges and reward ourselves when we win them, we give a great deal of willpower. This reinforcement is food for the will. However, we need to be careful how we reward our efforts.

If you are trying to lose weight, do not reward your commitment with an “all you can eat” dinner. If you have managed not to smoke for two days, the reward cannot be a cigarette. This is something to be taken very seriously.

Give yourself a constructive reward, positive for you.

Woman from behind with arms outstretched

4. Relax

When we do something that causes us discomfort, internal conflict arises. Especially in the beginning, we feel an emotional tension that can be irritating. In other words, we need to manage stress.

Relaxation techniques help tremendously in these circumstances. Properly managing inner tension is one of the main factors for success, as well as an incredible help in developing willpower. When we feel anxiety rising, there is nothing better than resorting to a relaxation technique to rebalance ourselves.

5. Yes to positive phrases

Positive words and messages have enormous power. For this reason, one of the tips for developing willpower is to feed on it. Write down and keep at hand the reasons that led you to make this decision that is giving you a hard time.

Hand with pen and notebook

When you write down your reasons, do it in a positive and encouraging way. Emphasize the good things that await you when you reach your goal. Keep motivating messages and phrases handy too. In difficult times they are precious because they help you focus on what’s important.

Developing willpower is necessary if we want to live better. The feeling of having the helm of our life in hand nurtures self-confidence and self-love and prepares us for bigger and more important challenges.

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