5 Phrases To Grow In Bad Moments

5 phrases to grow in negative moments

We have all gone through negative moments that have marked our lives and that, at times, have prevented us from proceeding. However,  all of these negative experiences can be excellent food for thought  that allows us to grow, advance and learn.

We generally reject negative experiences because they have taught us that they are not good for us. They make us feel bad, they make us sad … Yet, the truth is that all these experiences teach us much more than we think and are much more positive than we think.

Negative moments are needed to grow

Negative moments serve us to reflect on life  and think about what we really want and what path to choose. However, in some cases it is difficult to do this and you need a stimulus to inspire us.

Some people prefer music, others a good book or a movieā€¦ Every sentence, every word, every musical note can help us to overcome a negative moment, to see it from another perspective and to strengthen ourselves when we first thought we could not do it.

For this reason, today we want to share with you 5 phrases that you will love to keep in mind when you find yourself facing a complicated situation. These quotes will help you, relax you, motivate you and make you think.


1. Today you are where your thoughts have led you, tomorrow you will be where they take you

This phrase comes from the British philosopher James Allen, a very profound quote that contains a great teaching. Who knows, maybe you are complaining about a situation that you have caused yourself. The decisions you make always have a consequence that, at times, is not good.

If you’re having a bad time because of your decisions, it’s time for a change. You cannot change the past, but you can act on the present and the future. Think more about your decisions, avoid taking them lightly. These will take you where you want to go.

Even if you follow these tips, sometimes the result will still not be what you hoped for. Don’t worry, life is a game of constant trial and error. Keep thinking about your decisions and learning from all the consequences that will come.

2. Life is not about getting good cards, but about playing well what we have

American comedian Josh Billings shares this line of wisdom with us. Do you recognize those people who complain about everything? Those who always have to complain about? Complaining leads nowhere. Therefore,  accepting what we have and acting intelligently will be our best choices. 

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If during a game of cards you touch the best ones, but you don’t know how to play them, what good is it? Even if we have the best in life, if we don’t know how to proceed, we will never succeed in the desired results. This often happens.

For these reasons,  value what you have and think carefully about how to play each card before acting,  because sometimes we proceed with actions and then regret the consequences. Take it easy, no one is putting pressure on you to act quickly.

3. Where you are, do what you can with what you have

This quote from Theodore Roosevelt reminds us that sometimes we become enemies of ourselves. We believe that we must always act perfectly, that we cannot be wrong and that the best means are those that will give the desired results.

However, there is something we are forgetting about:  the effort we put into the path we are walking will determine our success. Focusing too much on the result will cause a lot of complaints and frustrations that will cause us to cut and run if we haven’t already.

If we learn to enjoy the path that will lead us to the goal, we will feel better. We will be aware that having the best is not a necessary requirement to get what we want, because the only thing we need is our commitment and effort.

4. Everything I have learned in life can be summed up in two words: “everything passes”

The American poet Robert Frost reminds us of past situations in which we gave ourselves up for defeat. Because  the negative moments, at times, make us adopt a defeatist behavior  that makes us believe that we can never get up again.


Even those who have gone through the most terrible tragedies have managed to overcome them, endure them and move on. Being positive is very important in these situations because, even if it may seem cynical, “everything passes” and in the future negative things will be just a memory.

You don’t have to think it’s the end of the world, don’t think it will all end there. Negative emotions will attack you, but not to destroy you, rather to make you stronger. Everything will not always be okay. And if there is anything we can be sure of, it is that there will always be a tomorrow.

5. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your way of thinking

This quote from Mary Engelbreit reminds us that focusing on what hurts us when we face a negative moment is not very productive. What is the point of letting a situation or person make you feel bad? Do you like to suffer? Surely the answer is “no”.

There are many circumstances which, undoubtedly, we cannot change. In this case, what can we do? The answer is simple: change the way we think. Accepting the situation  will be a very important step in freeing yourself from what is causing you so much pain.

Are you having a bad time? Which of these phrases represents you the most? If you have others that you want to share we will be delighted to know them. Some phrases deserve to be known, because they contain teachings that can be very useful in the most difficult situations and moments.


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