How We Choose The Right Person To Experience Love

How we choose the right person to experience love

Living love is probably the strongest and most magical emotion you can experience, a gift of life. Love hosts the best feelings that push us to be better people, human beings and eternal souls. It leads us to develop and bring to light the best version of ourselves for and with others, without forgetting self-love.

In the course of existence,  our heart learns and grows with different experiences or completely different people from each other. We can fall madly in love with each of them or they can even pass us by every day without noticing them just because it is not our destiny to discover them in this life.

However, sometimes we do not understand why our soul chooses  “to want to give all the best of us” to one or another human being, coming to experience little positive emotions that we can hardly manage. For this reason, today we invite you to discover how the inner selection process that our heart carries out when it comes to love works.

We join with those who relive our first experience with love

We love and bond for life to a person without knowing how, sometimes we do it unconsciously. We also ask ourselves countless times what it is that makes us so crazy for love and we spend every day without fully understanding it.


However, as it is natural and wonderful, these experiences originate in the memory of those people who marked our childhood as far as love is concerned: our parents, siblings, the people who raised us and who one day made us. experience the release of light in our heart.

These experiences refer to our feelings and the perception we had of love as a child. Both their presence and their absence. For this reason,  as adults we choose a person similar to the one who marked us in a certain moment of our life such as childhood. And little by little our heart desires to get closer to it.

Because our souls complement each other

When we are in love, we perceive our mate or partner as a soul mate similar to us, enriching our soul with its differences. So we learn from him or her and our potential and qualities that until then went to waste evolve. Love teaches us and makes us better for it and we must be grateful to life for having met the person who awakened us.

Although  many scientific studies in relation to the unconscious choice of love indicate that the person you choose is an improved version of our parents:  a person who is like our father or our mother. And that’s why we manage to relate so well to him / her. Furthermore, it brings to a high level what our parents could not share with us and which subjected us to a deficiency as children.


A healthy relationship helps us grow

A relationship between two people based on unconditional love has an eternal principle: discovering a person who has always marked our heart in a positive way, by learning and sharing what we did not know. For this reason, we can consider it an adventure with a beginning, but without an end. Our loved one will always be part of our essence and will shape it.

A healthy relationship is an adventure between two incredible beings in which we discover and accept what does not belong to us. The qualities that in the beginning make us see the other as perfect, with the course of time, could seem to us defects. Shortcomings that if we love unconditionally we will make ours without leaving them aside, but in their most positive sense.

The members of a healthy couple grow by learning and completing each other,  choosing and establishing each day the path that will make them evolve or decide if the time has come to abandon this story born to learn.

For this reason, we choose whether or not to have a relationship with a particular person: to learn how to manage and live a true love thanks to sincere communication. The mission and the tests that life puts us every day to be better and understand our true greatness as human beings: the gift of sharing what we all hold within us. Something that science can confirm and give us again.

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