The Heart Will Tell The Head To Be Ready To Love

It will be the heart that tells the head that it is ready to love

We learn to love not when we meet the perfect person, but when we see an imperfect person perfect.

Sam Keen

Do you believe in destiny? And in love at first sight?

It is often believed that there is only one person for each of us to justify a simple and evident truth: the moment in which we meet a person is very important to determine if it is for us or not.

We do not want to deprive anyone of the illusion that it is fate that has made you meet your partner. However, one thing is certain: our heart tells our head when we are ready to love. That’s all.

To explain all this to you better, we will tell you a story:

“A girl moved to another country, to complete her studies and to learn to live. She wasn’t comfortable with herself. He didn’t feel comfortable and, more importantly, he hadn’t learned to love himself. Her life was not a dream, she did not feel at peace with herself and her heart.

One day he met what is now his best friend. He fell in love with her. The fact that such a situation was occurring with one of the best people she had met in her life did not allow her to be well.

Because? Because if you do not love yourself, you are not really capable of truly loving a person, even if this person is incredible and special.

His friend’s heart was and continues to be ready. That of the girl is not yet, even if she is dying to try in every way.

Throughout this stage, the girl felt and continues to feel helpless. Powerless knowing that she cannot love someone else, as she has not yet learned to love herself, her heart and her way of being. And he suffers because for this he could lose him.

Thus he learned that love can only be felt when two people are willing to share.


With this we want to make you understand that to be or not to be at an adequate time in one’s life to offer and receive love is very important. Sometimes we choose to love when we feel vulnerable or afraid.

We choose someone because we need them, to fill the void left by something we lack. This is not always something bad, it could also coincide with the right time. On the other hand , love is the perfect union between two people.

Love makes us feel satisfied, because when we love we are ourselves. 

Opinions on whether or not to be prepared to love, be in a relationship, and really want someone are mixed. The biggest mistake is surely that of needing to believe that our heart is ready to love and that we have met a person who is likewise ready.

In the story we told you, the girl goes to great lengths to love her best friend, and sometimes the emotions she feels are frustrating. Eventually the girl decided to love her best friend, that authentic, extraordinary and unique person. This was her decision, and she feels free. Free to start loving.

It is often thought that if something does not happen it is because it is not the right time. But the situation, the time and the moment are not the only things that allow love to work or not. The moment is not everything, but it is part of the whole.

All of this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to try if the moment isn’t ideal. Except trying harder than necessary could cause a lot of pain for both of you. 

Let yourself be carried away, enjoy and, most importantly, learn to love yourself and your heart. Do not live with the thought and intention of being able to change the needs, desires and intimacy of those around you.

Learn to be sincere and honest with the person you love and with yourself. Make sure that person loves you sincerely and completely.

The situation and the moment are what make us feel lucky when we have extraordinary and fulfilling relationships. 

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