What Can An Introverted Person Teach Us

What can an introverted person teach us

During most of his childhood, Albert Einstein was not distinguished by being a particularly brilliant pupil, but more by his qualities as an introverted person. However, with the passage of time and with the progress of his work, he ended up leaving history with one of the most important scientific baggage of the twentieth century. A theoretical advance in the field of physics that only a genius like him could have carried out.

Various biographies have been written about his life and they all agree on one aspect: his strongly introverted personality. There are many other characters, such as Einstein, known for their creativity and intelligence, but characterized by a closed and introverted character, such as Bill Gates or Ghandi.

Introversion and extroversion are not, however, categories in their own right, sometimes they get confused; in fact, there are extroverted people who, depending on the situation, can be shy, as well as introverted people with some traits of vivacity, sociability and other qualities typical of those who are extroverted.

Studies on introversion and extraversion

The first to study the concepts of introversion and extroversion was Carl Jung. In his book Psychologische Typen (Psychological Types), Jung refers to the two ways of acting that define each individual: an outward-looking attitude, others and society, and one that focuses instead on the private sphere. These two ways of acting describe the two psychological types: introversion and extroversion.


Jung also links each psychological type to an archetype. Introversion is associated with the Apollo archetype (characterized by introspection, rationality and measure), while introversion is linked to the Dionysus Archetype (known for disorder, the search for the new and the interest in sensations) .

Subsequently, the German psychologist Hans Eysenck carried on the studies related to the topic referring, however, to the scientific method. Eysenck focused on the biological and genetic basis of the human being, that is to say everything that is not learned through experience, but which is expressed through the modalities of adaptation to one’s surroundings.

For this reason,  Eysenck defines the relationship between introversion and extraversion as a dimension of the temperament present in all individuals, which is defined by our physiology, according to the degree of excitement or inhibition in the face of external stimuli.

What is there to learn from an introverted person

Harvard University has carried out research aimed at analyzing the possible reference patterns of the brains of people identified as introverts. During the study it emerged that introverted people have a greater amount of gray matter  and that it is also larger in some areas of the prefrontal cortex related to abstract thinking and decision making.

This could be why introverted people spend more time on abstract thinking and are described as less impulsive, more detail-oriented, and not comfortable in environments where there are no escape routes from social interaction or where nothing else exists. remedy than working as a team. Below, we will analyze some lessons that can be learned from an introverted person.

Knowing how to take advantage of solitude

An introverted person knows how to be alone and takes advantage of moments of solitude to read, go to the cinema, write, buy, travel and so on. She uses her time and everything she likes to do doesn’t need anyone else’s presence. This isolation has its own raison d’etre, since an introverted person recharges his energies by being alone.

-Carlo Dossi


Knowing how to listen

When an introverted person speaks, he does so only after reflecting and listening. An introverted person prefers to remain silent and pay attention to what others say in order to intervene later. This attitude of his is not linked to the fear of intervening in the conversation, but to the desire to do so only when he knows he can bring something really constructive.

Be analytical and reflective

An introverted person makes decisions in accordance with his previous experiences and through research, observation and interpretation. She likes to try, analyze, think, and often they are not very impetuous and rather prudent people.

Be meticulous

A study by Cornell University (New York) has led to the conclusion that introverted people have greater brain stimuli for the procession of visual information, which helps them to identify details that for others would go unnoticed.

Appreciate social relationships differently

Introverted people also enjoy relating to other people, but they do it differently than those who are extroverted. An introverted person prefers to relate to other people one at a time, to avoid large groups in which he would assume a secondary role, obscured by the large amount of stimuli.


Be sensitive

While they may seem cold and distant at times, introverted people tend to be quite sensitive. Some of the most profound literary works capable of best describing human feelings were written by introverted people, following a great introspection.

Be creative

The reflection and introspection typical of introverted people make them more creative. In fact, they use moments of solitude to dedicate themselves to reflection, reaching levels of concentration that allow them to create new things and find new solutions to problems.

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