Self-knowledge: A Sea Without Limits

Self-knowledge: a sea without limits

Self-knowledge represents wisdom and is not an end to be achieved, as we will never be able to get to know each other completely, not because we commit ourselves more or less in this task, rather because we are subjected to constant change. However, we may ask, what is self-knowledge? It could be said that it is a means through which we can grow and learn, flow with the passage of time and our experiences.

We always care about the image we give to others,  we focus on the more superficial aspects. And that’s how we lose sight of our deepest roots, losing sight of who we really are.

As we will see below, the process of self-knowledge requires courage, honesty, love and responsibility. This happens because  self-knowledge involves freeing oneself from prejudice, guilt, hatred and resentment. So that we can get to the bottom of things in the course of our existence.

Self-knowledge gives us inner peace

This constantly evolving path, that of self-knowledge, cannot be traveled in haste,  with impatience and anxiety to arrive at something; as we have already said, in fact, there is no point of arrival. By listening and satisfying our needs, we know and mature with every experience we have.


We are used to a great mental activity, to easily distract ourselves by paying more attention to what others are doing and how they behave. We are experts in judging, criticizing, giving advice, blaming and seeing in others the things we fail to see in ourselves. All this serves to analyze ourselves, not wanting to see all aspects of who we really are.

Get away from distractions

Interactions with others are always a double-edged sword and always rage on someone based on the attitude we adopt towards that interaction. On the one hand, relationships with others are necessary for self-knowledge, because it is thanks to them that we can discover more things about ourselves. On the other hand, relating without a conscience distances us from others and from our capacity for personal knowledge.

Getting to know each other through relationships with others implies listening to ourselves in that interaction,  observing what it produces in us, what we feel and what emotions are awakened with each of the behaviors that we like or dislike. And above all, understanding everything that presents itself to us is personal and related to our way of being.

there is no balance

No one has the power to generate a feeling or emotion in us without our consent. For this reason we must understand that we are always accomplices, not victims of what we feel. This applies to both pleasant and unpleasant things: when we feel love, it is a feeling that arises in us through interaction with other people. Think, for example, of anger, isn’t it something that arises in you from an interaction? And in all cases it is something that has to do only with you.

Be authentic

Self-knowledge inevitably leads us to authenticity, to show ourselves in a more honest and real way in front of others and above all in front of ourselves,  without having to resort to self-deception. Removing from us the need to please or reject the guilt of what happens to us.

By knowing ourselves better we increase our ability to show ourselves authentic. By being more transparent and clear, closer to love and opening ourselves to knowledge. It is in these cases that we explore the depth of the meaning that each of the experiences we live has.


We have seen how  self-knowledge is actually a limitless sea, because we spend our whole life learning understanding and love for ourselves. Thus managing to share, with love, our true self with others through authenticity.

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