Sweet Dreams, Insomnia!

Sweet dreams, insomnia!

You turn once more in bed and change your position. Try counting sheep… 1… 2… 3… Nothing. There is no way to sleep.

You get up, go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and drink some water. Walk down the corridor again with the conviction that now you will be able to sleep.

But no. You can’t. Tomorrow will be another heavy day, night will come back and you will still turn over and over again in bed. What is it that doesn’t make you sleep?

What is it that doesn’t make us sleep?

When we suffer from insomnia, many times we cannot sleep well because of the fear of not sleeping that we feel before going to bed and which does not allow us to sleep.

Other times, it’s our minds super active to prevent us from sleeping, because they continually processes information, works to find solutions to problems of everyday life, in family matters, programs, concerns, discussions at work, physical pain, etc.


There are thoughts that do not favor sleep reconciliation, for example, considering that it is wasted time or not taking care of the body by taking substances that keep it awake.

The importance of sleeping well

When you are sleepy, it is important to sleep, even if it seems like a difficult task because then drowsiness can occur during very important work, such as driving a train or having surgery. It is essential to stop for a few minutes and rest, because our actions often depend not only on our life, but also that of others.

In addition to making some lifestyle changes, you should know that physical activity also improves the quality of sleep in the long run, has an anxiolytic and antidepressant effect, especially if you do aerobic exercises.

Exercising improves the latency, duration and quality of sleep, therefore in general the ability to rest and enjoy a good, restful sleep.

It is important to avoid exercise right before bed, unless it is a leisurely walk in the fresh air or other recreational activities that help relieve tension, relax the mind and improve the mood..


Insomnia tips and strategies

1) Valuing the importance of sleep for a long and happy life.

2) Reorganize : it is important to dedicate the right time to everything (including sleep), to regulate life and everyday activities. The way of life is related to the way of sleeping and vice versa.

3) Define daily work goals and enjoy the satisfaction of having achieved them. There may be factors that prevent you from planning the next day, but in any case, putting your life in order also means putting your sleep in order: schedules, agenda, programs.

4) Respect regular times : get up and go to sleep almost always at the same time every day, regardless of whether you want to sleep or not.

5) Eliminate coffee and caffeinated drinks and pay attention to nutrition, especially at dinner.

Stimulating drinks such as tea, coffee, chocolate, guarana, yerba mate, or cola can ruin sleep. It is also advisable to avoid foods heavily seasoned with hot spices or foods that cause flatulence, acidity, reflux or diarrhea.

Chocolate, mint, and fatty foods decrease sphincter pressure, which causes gastroesophageal reflux in predisposed people.

In general, it is recommended that you go to bed at least two hours after dinner to avoid reflux problems.

TO AVOID: foods with diuretic properties, such as parsley, endive, celery, garlic, eggplant or onion, because they can interrupt the rhythm of sleep.

However, there are foods that promote sleep because they are rich in tryptophan (such as bananas, pasta, rice, whole grains, dates, dried figs, walnuts) or melatonin (corn, tomatoes, potatoes).

6) Look for a suitable place to sleep and make sure it is a kind of refuge, like a cozy corner.

7) Putting one foot off the sheets or blankets regulates the body temperature and helps improve blood circulation.

8) Write : If new ideas or plans come up as soon as you go to bed, always have a pen and paper available to write them down. In this way, the mind gets rid of thoughts in some way: they disappear because they have been transcribed and you can sleep peacefully.

9) Meditation improves the attention paid to breathing and predisposes to a state of mental tranquility.

At this point, dear readers, we wish you good night and sweet dreams …

Sleeping 2

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