Give Importance To Who Brings Something Into Your Life

Give importance to who brings something into your life

A moment in my life has come in which I now put into practice “the economy of the people”. I include in my life everything that enriches my days, that gives values ​​to my dreams and joy to my heart.

“Give importance to who brings something into your life” . Perhaps this sentence seems a bit drastic to you. For this reason, first of all, we should define what the concept of “personal contribution” encompasses.

All those who are sincere in deeds, words and will bring us something. Human relationships, far from being an exchange based on “you give me, I give you”, are something that go beyond material goods.

We are talking about emotions, and above all about positive emotions that favor our personal growth with the exchange of experiences and small moments that move entire universes.

We live in a complex society, often charged with personal interests and individualisms. Everyday life is often characterized by competitiveness, and even by the anxiety of possession.

There are those who long to control their partner for fear of losing them, there are parents who over-protect their children, friends who dominate friends for fear of loneliness, for fear of losing unconditional and daily support.

In many of our interpersonal relationships weighs a cryptic egoism  of which we are aware and which, however, we bear.

What can we do in the face of these situations? What is the most effective way to act?

Learn to build positive relationships

drawing woman in a bathtub and hanging laundry

We are very clear that  it is not just a matter of distancing ourselves from all those “who do not bring us anything”. Real life is not like social networks, where there is the option to “delete friends”.

Chances are you have some family member who, far from enriching your life, fills it with malaise or a negative, defeatist and critical co-worker. We cannot eliminate them from our life.

It is simply not giving them the importance they do not deserve. Avoid them hurting you with their actions or words, as long as they do not exceed the limit of your emotional or psychic integrity. In this case, the distance would be more suitable.

Faced with these personalities, whose toxicity does not exceed the critical zone,  the best thing to do is not to give them any power either over your life or your thoughts. Mark the limits; otherwise, they will be able to hurt you and cause you very dangerous physical and emotional stress.

The key to this permissiveness, to this way of accepting only those who bring something into our life, is to build positive relationships.

We explain what the basic pillars are:

1. Building healthy attachments

In our space we talk very often about the importance of “avoiding attachment“. Well,  the essence lies in knowing how to differentiate the attachments that cause us suffering  (those that bind us to certain needs) from healthy attachments, through which growth bonds are built.

-We must  foster attachments based on trust and not on anxiety, or on the fear of being abandoned or betrayed. It is vital that there is a harmony based on maturity and mutual respect.

2. Knowing how to satisfy basic needs

Denying that we all have needs is putting on eye patches. In order for us to truly care about someone, there must be an adequate exchange of joy:

Mutual respect and the security of not being hurt, judged or rejected when we express our thoughts. This feeling is what usually comes at a family level, when we know they will respect our opinions or actions.

Demonstrations of daily affection: it is the feeling of complicity we enjoy with our friendships, the altruistic affection of our partner. It is offering affection in a free way, letting oneself be enveloped by an integral feeling of closeness.

They are undoubtedly the roots that enrich a positive relationship.

3. Being able to deal with certain problems

Sometimes when you have a problem, someone close instead of proposing strategies or simply identifying with the situation to understand, recriminates some things.

They are people who don’t want to help but break down even more. Try to keep your distance in these cases  and choose well who to approach in these moments.

If someone in your closest background doesn’t accept the fact that you have made mistakes, it means that the relationship is neither healthy nor emotionally secure.

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