5 Films That Will Open Your Mind And Soul

5 films that will open your mind and soul

It is good to get out of the routine to connect with our intimacy and creativity, which are often obscured by everyday life. Going to a museum, concert or exhibition can free us from the stress accumulated over the course of the week.

Sometimes we don’t have the means or the time to consistently carry out such activities, but nowadays almost everyone has the internet or television to be able to see a good movie.

Personally, seeing a film that has been recommended to me or that I have been waiting to see for a long time gives me a very pleasant feeling. Seeing a film that has just been released excites me, because, for me and for many others, the cinema screen represents a form of magic.

5 movies that will open your mind and soul

Today we offer you 5 films full of sentiment, pain, mystery, beauty and universal messages:

“Amour” by Michael Haneke

“Amour”, directed by the brilliant Austrian director Michael Haneke, tells the love story of a couple who is upset by the protagonist’s degenerative disease.

 The husband tries to do everything possible so that the life of his beloved is dignified. Perhaps this film may remind you of “The Pages of Our Lives”,  but let me say that the quality and authenticity of the characters do not allow comparison.

True love can be seen in this film, devoid of an excess of sweetness, but in many scenes we also find authentic suffering and anguish represented. There is talk of universal problems, such as the clash with a situation that gets out of hand and that wants to end our lives.

This film reminds us of the importance of small details and that, at the end of our days, the memories that come to mind are the simplest ones. It is an allegory of death, poetry and generosity that will not leave you indifferent.

“In the house” by François Ozon

It is a relatively recent film, which has received numerous very positive reviews. At first, the film seems simple, but, little by little, it gets complicated, until it leaves you disoriented and confused about what will happen.

The story is about the relationship between a pupil and his teacher ; the boy comes from a difficult family and an environment that does not push him to cultivate literature at all. The student surprises the teacher with the stories he proposes in class, and it is at that point that the relationship becomes obsessive. In parallel, other stories develop, which go beyond the educational sphere.

The professor sees in his pupil’s stories experiences that he had to live in the past (he is a failed writer and his marriage hides unexpected secrets).

“Doctor Zhivago” by David Lean

“Doctor Zhivago” is a great classic. To those who have already seen it, I propose to review it, because it arouses distinct sensations depending on the moment of life you are going through. To those who, on the other hand, have never seen it, I highly recommend it, because it is pure poetry on the screen.

The setting is that of the Russian revolution, of the rebellion against the tsars. The two protagonists are Yuri Zhivago and Lara, two lovers in an adverse era; moreover, they live in an even more complicated sentimental situation, given that both are married.

Lara is a woman full of innocence, but she is not naive; she is passionate and has had to face a complicated life. Yuri Zhivago, on the other hand, is part of a high society circle. He is a man who represents the noblest principles of humanity, but out of love he must act in such a way that these principles remain only between the lines.

In the film, the speeches, images and dilemmas faced by the characters refer to the existentialism of the best Russian classical writers.

“The 400 shots” by François Truffaut

In “The 400 shots”, the legendary French director Truffaut creates a real ode to the cinema. He takes us to the Paris of the 1950s to narrate the dramatic life of Antoine, a child who never stops, who escapes from infinite institutional errors and a hostile family unit.

Her mother accidentally becomes pregnant and holds the baby while being alone. Then, he starts looking for a partner relentlessly and ignores and despises Antoine, as he believes that he is the only source of all his ills.

Antoine faces all kinds of tough and unfair situations,  but his lively and positive attitude means that, even in such conditions, he is able to make sense of his life.

“Nothing to Hide” by Michael Haneke

Here is another film from director Michael Haneke, “Nothing to Hide”. The existential analysis he makes of the stories and characters and the way in which he identifies the viewer through filming is not just cinema: it is pure psychology.

The protagonist, Georges, begins to receive strange tapes, which indicate that someone is watching over his home and family. More and more disconcerting recordings and drawings reach him, which he cannot connect with anything.

But, little by little, he makes it. This film tells us that everything we have done in our life remains stored in the heads of others, even if we do not remember it. Perhaps because many of us eliminate unpleasant events from our minds.

Undoubtedly, once you have seen these 5 films capable of opening your mind and soul, you will not be disappointed. Even the cinema can give you important lessons and intense emotions.

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