A Layoff Is Not The End Of The World

A layoff is not the end of the world

Almost everyone has had to face a layoff at least once. This experience is never pleasant, even when the working conditions are not the best. While very common, this doesn’t make it any less frustrating and, depending on the circumstances, it can also have a strong emotional impact on the person.

A dismissal implies a rejection, an accusation and a step towards uncertainty. Refusal because it presupposes exclusion from the workplace and what it symbolically represents. Indictment because it implies that our work or behavior within the company has been negatively evaluated. And it’s a step towards uncertainty because in most cases a new job won’t be around the corner.

It is certainly a delicate moment. However, we are the ones who give it a certain meaning. Which means we have the opportunity to ensure that a dismissal does not turn into a trauma or a major difficulty. Ultimately, even if it certainly involves some difficulties, it is not the end of the world. We must take the situation in hand and avoid overstepping the limit. Here are some ideas that might help you.

How to deal with a layoff

Keep calm and relax

Although it seems difficult to swallow, one thing is certain: if we leave a place it is because it was not the right one for us. Sometimes it is difficult to accept at first, but it was probably time to leave. Maybe that company wasn’t for us, or we weren’t for them, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

At first it is difficult to evaluate everything objectively. For this, the first thing to do is to stay calm and not give free rein to all that series of negative ideas that appear following a dismissal. Don’t think that this is just the first of a long series of problems or that the world is about to collapse on you. Instead, focus on what you can do from now on.

Worried man

Roll up your sleeves

After a layoff, a period of uncertainty begins. The best way to deal with it is to be as organized as possible. First, reorganize your finances. Every possible waste must be cut. If you are in debt, consider whether it is appropriate to speak with creditors to establish new conditions. A compromise can always be found, also because they will be the first to be interested in coming to meet you so that you can pay.

It is important to make a list of all the people you know who could possibly help you find a new job. Also consider people you haven’t seen in a long time. Then prepare a message to send to everyone. Let them know that you are unemployed and that you would appreciate it if they let you know of any job offers they might find out about.

Update your resume

A dismissal obliges you to brush up on your resume and renew it. This is a great opportunity to modernize it and give it a more personal touch. Today there are several options, including inserting the link in the CV to view a presentation video.

It is very important to adapt your application to the job for which you are competing, perhaps by inserting a couple of representative and incisive sentences. Emphasize your best qualities, also take advantage of them to look for work in sectors that interest you or you like. Surely there will be some company looking for your skills.

Man climbs the stairs

A layoff is also an opportunity

While you are looking for a new job, because yes, you will find it, even if it may take some time, you can also take advantage of your free time to reflect and evaluate a new option: to be your own boss. Can you do something that would allow you to work independently? Any skill can be useful. Any knowledge can be taught. If, on the other hand, it is manual skills, you just have to exploit them. The Internet is a good starting point for starting your own business.

To set up a company, it is not necessary to be an innovator or have a large capital. The essential element is market research: you have to find out what needs you can satisfy . Use the example of companies that have made it. Learn to write a business plan and get to work. It’s all a matter of decision. If you are successful, you may decide to run your business even if you find a job as an employee.

The important thing is to realize that a layoff is not the end of the world. It is clear that you will feel catapulted out of your comfort zone, and worries will arise in you. But if you adopt a positive and active attitude, you can turn this “problem” into an opportunity for growth.

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