A Short Film To Discover The Magic Of Love On A Rainy Day

A short film to discover the magic of love on a rainy day

They say that love comes without waiting for it, wanting it or looking for it. Love is capricious and can appear even on a rainy day.

Streets filled with cars and umbrellas, a light rain that covers everything with its refreshing mantle, with its halo of suggestions, of thoughtfulness and pushing … Until, suddenly, something happens: a fleeting encounter, a smile, a gesture and two hearts that are captured by each other.

For sure, after watching this short film, you will no longer consider rainy days in the same way. Also, if you happen to find an abandoned and shabby umbrella, you will never pass it by without noticing. The memory of this wonderful short film will undoubtedly come back to your mind.

Delight yourself in each scene and the music that accompanies it, together they give life to a unique piece, in which it is possible to deduce different elements. We invite you to reflect on this.

Rainy days and an umbrella that rebels


Have you ever rebelled against something because you aspired to achieve your goal? In “The Blue Umbrella” we are clearly invited to think about this and the need to take risks when fate, chance or the magic of life puts us in front of something worth fighting for.

This Pixar short was written and directed by Saschka Unseld in 2013. The inspiration behind the creation of this small audiovisual and musical treasure came thanks to the accidental finding of an abandoned blue umbrella after a rainy day in San Francisco.

A love encounter full of magic

It will certainly have happened to you too to find, broken on some sidewalk, an object of daily use, as if it were a sad wreck that has done its duty fighting against the rain, the storm. So what story could an umbrella tell? Saschka Unseld knew it clearly: it had to be a love story.

In “The Blue Umbrella” we discover a magical encounter between a blue umbrella and a red one. The city is dressed in the noise of the rain and everything follows the usual ritual: a procession of dark umbrellas that come and go, which enter the metro stations, which they call taxis, which offer shelter to those “encapsulated” humans under them …

In the middle of this ocean of dark umbrellas, our two protagonists stand out. They are fascinated by each other: after this fleeting meeting, it already seems that they no longer want to separate.

However, the inevitable happens. The blue umbrella, dragged by its master, must get away from the red umbrella forever. Does it end like this? Do you accept the separation? Absolutely not: our protagonist rebels and uproots himself from the hand of the owner, and then remains in the air in the asphalt jungle, among the cars, the people, the manholes …

short-magic-of love

This short film, screened at the cinema in 2013 before the animated film “Monsters University”, is an example of that courage and spontaneity that we should all show in the emotional sphere.

Sometimes it is necessary to show that brushstroke of “careful” madness with which to launch oneself towards what our heart indicates.

  • Life is always beyond our comfort zone, beyond that area where black umbrellas hang around.
  • If the rain is chaos, love is even more so. For this reason, when the magic appears, it must not be let go. Time will tell what decisions to make, whether it is worth the risk more or whether it is better to take a step back.
  • When, however, we remain captured, when chance presents the opportunity, we must not hesitate or be indecisive. Every moment in which we do not have the courage to live represents a page of our existence that we will regret tomorrow.

Surely, after watching “The blue umbrella”, your face will show a pleased smile. You will also have fun observing how inanimate objects so typical in our cities do their part to facilitate that encounter, so that it is covered with the magic it deserves. So tell us… Do you like rainy days too?

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