An Intelligent Woman Knows She Has No Limits

An intelligent woman knows she has no limits

For a long time, there have been differing social beliefs about the role women should play: taking care of children and husbands, taking care of housework and caring for the elderly. Today this is no longer the case and the figure of the intelligent, independent woman who knows she has no limits stands out.

An intelligent woman lives her life, takes on positions of professional responsibility, is independent, does not base her happiness on marriage or motherhood, because she knows that the latter depends on herself and not on third parties, she has learned to value herself and overcome herself. itself.

The intelligent woman and the couple

A study conducted by several British universities and published in the Sunday Times led to the conclusion that  intelligent women are more likely not to marry, while brilliant men have a 40% higher chance of getting married.


The study was carried out on a group of 900 men and women. These volunteers underwent an IQ test at the age of 11 and 40 years later they were interviewed to find out who got married and who didn’t.

It was found that women who went on with their university studies had a 40% less chance of getting married. However, as far as men were concerned, they were 35% more likely to marry for every 16-point increase in their IQ.

What a smart woman does

There are certain characteristics that distinguish an intelligent woman, which make her different from others and guarantee her a plus of attraction towards men. However, according to several researchers from the University of Buffalo, the Lutheran University of California and the University of Texas (USA), men feel more intimidated by an intelligent woman.

Biologically, according to this study, men should mate with intelligent women because of the genetic advantages that this brings. However, in practice, most of them don’t like to date a woman who is smarter than them.

The question we ask ourselves at this point is: What differentiates an intelligent woman from others? Let’s see it together.

Live in the moment

It learns from the past and knows how to wait patiently and calmly for the future. For this reason, he lives in the moment, the now, enjoying every word, caress, look, smell or taste. An intelligent woman looks you in the eye and listens to you because she wants to make the most of the moment in your company.


Like every person, he has faced complicated moments, but he has been able to overcome them by becoming stronger. He has learned not to make the same mistakes again and knows what he wants to achieve in life.

Enjoy solitude

An intelligent woman does not feel alone because she does not have a partner, quite the opposite: she appreciates her loneliness and independence. She does not tie her happiness to other people, her rich inner life allows her to benefit from moments of solitude.

These solitary moments are essential for any intelligent woman, because it allows her to get to know each other, to self-analyze, to reflect and to understand what needs to be improved. Through these reflections, she manages to overcome life’s challenges and gain more motivation.

Not afraid of changes

Smart women aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone and face change. They know well that they involve new opportunities and that they are a means to acquire new teachings and to live unique experiences.

If she doesn’t like something in her life, if she has a job that she isn’t passionate about, a partner with whom she doesn’t share the same ideal of life or friends who don’t support her in her decisions, an intelligent woman reacts and looks for ways to improve. It is active by nature.

Listen to his heart and he knows how to say “no”

An intelligent woman knows that the voice of her heart and intuition is very important. She also knows that when she has to make a difficult decision, her body speaks and conveys the emotions aroused by individual actions. It is information that he does not despise in order to make the right decision.


Moreover, he is not afraid to say “no” and he knows that there are times when he must deny himself and put limits on others, so that they respect his personal space and his way of life. She is not a possessive person and does not allow anyone to be possessive with her.

Ultimately, she is a smart woman!

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