Creativity Is A Free Voice That Comes From The Heart

Creativity is a free voice that comes from the heart

Creativity is the light that illuminates our emotions and our senses, it is the noise that comes from the heart and that the brain re-elaborates to give shape to our inner voice. Even if we are all born with this gift, routine, stress or the fact of carrying out very rigid and controlled jobs completely silence the voice of innovation and that of brilliant solutions.

A creative person is not just one who knows how to use a brush, who writes books or who is able to design an advertising campaign of great impact. Creativity also consists in the ability to look for more alternatives for our needs, to find new ways and even to relate better with those around us.

Creativity is a much sought-after skill at work these days. Just think that major companies like Google include evidence in their recruitment processes that has nothing to do with information technology or technology. Questions like “How many uses could a plastic cap have?”, Or “What would be your best idea if your boss gave you a million dollars to make it?” they tell us how much weight this capacity has.

Today we invite you to find out more about this topic!


Creativity and intelligence

The debate on the link between creativity and intelligence is very complex and articulated, and has been faced for years by psychology experts. The answer is simple: this bond does not always exist and it does not necessarily exist. People with great skills also have great potential, but they do not always give sufficiently creative or original answers  or, at least, this is what the many studies carried out on the subject demonstrate.

We could therefore say that if there are people who are more creative than others, this depends above all on the fact that they have managed to find the way to creativity on their own, through a different way of seeing the world, of thinking and feeling.

According to Guilford, a psychologist famous for his theory of the structure of intelligence, it is very difficult to measure a person’s creative capacity on a scale. In reality, creativity is reflected in many areas of our life: planning, devising strategies, cooking, furnishing a house, dancing, playing an instrument, dressing up, relating, making someone fall in love …

The power of emotions to be more creative

The creatives of large companies know very well that the emotions that are stimulated through the senses are very powerful and useful for increasing the sales of a product. Here is an example: there are some clothing brands that use specific perfumes in their stores that the customer immediately associates with that brand. The interiors of many second-hand cars, on the other hand, are often impregnated with a “new car smell”, because it is an aspect that favors customer satisfaction and is capable of increasing sales.

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On the other hand, as you know, our brain is highly emotional and it is they, the emotions, that move us away for a moment from our more rational and logical side to make us suddenly take an unexpected step, such as an unplanned purchase, or to make us have a sudden inspiration.

The most creative people have a perception and a way of thinking that is slightly difficult for others, which is worth knowing and which we invite you to discover in the following points.

How to learn to be more creative

Edward Bono laid out the basics of lateral thinking. It is a provocative type of approach that moves away from analytical and one-way thinking to consider different options and multiple avenues.  We also make use of the challenge technique, of that divergent reasoning that makes us able to fantasize, to use metaphor and to break the mold.

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Creativity is also the gift of focusing on what we have inside, thanks to our emotions, and at the same time on the stimuli that come to us from outside, to achieve a wonderful symbiosis and ideal balance. We let ourselves be impregnated and enveloped, we make use of suggestion, but also of the ability to focus on a goal.

Colors, smells and sensations. Did you know that there are colors and smells that our brain likes best? Blue and green give him a feeling of calm, the smell of vanilla or orange blossom relax us, the scent of coffee stimulates us… But it is not enough to enter a room with a pleasant color or smell. We also need a window that lets in the sunlight and allows us to rest our eyes and free our thoughts.


To conclude, a creative person is first of all someone with flexible thinking and a great mental and emotional openness. We can all do it and we also practice it to feel freer and “connected” with the noise of life.

Basically, as they say, creativity appears when we allow intelligence to have fun.

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