Curiosities About Work And Well-being

One of the most important factors to work well is a correct ambient temperature. We invite you to discover other interesting facts about the world of work.
Curiosities about work and well-being

Perhaps one of the first curiosities about work is that many cannot tell if it is a condemnation or a privilege. While it is true that working involves effort, and often a sacrifice, it is also true that not having a job results in significant difficulties and limitations.

There have always been workers. Much of the physical, mental and social evolution of human beings, in fact, is due to productive activities.

However, another curiosity about work tells us that we are reaching a point where many human tasks could end up being delegated to machines. This becomes more evident every day.

The work will not disappear, but it is possible that it will become more and more specialized and creative. We already live in a society where those with the most knowledge have an advantage.

Woman working on the computer.

Some curiosities about work

The shifts

Working time has been the subject of discussion ever since, following capitalism, a large mass of workers was created.

Labor Day also commemorates the tragic events of 1886 in Chicago (USA): several workers lost their lives when they went on strike demanding 8-hour shifts.

A little over a century ago, working hours were not regulated. It was the norm to work 12 hours, Monday to Sunday. There were also people who worked even more, and that was all legal.

Work shifts that do not exceed 8 hours, in force in most of the world, are the result of hard struggles by workers.

It has been found that rest is as important as work, since those who are fatigued prove to be much more unproductive.


Another curiosity about work concerns wages. To begin with, the word ‘wages’ comes from the Latin salarium , which means ‘to pay with salt’.

In ancient Rome, it was common for soldiers to be paid with salt, as this ingredient was scarce and highly appreciated as it allowed the food to be preserved and its flavor enhanced.

Throughout history, workers have been paid in many ways. Often with assets, as in the case of salt, but also with the right to live in a house or on land.

In the early days of capitalism, every company was free to pay workers as it pleased. They could also be paid for with three meals a day. A disguised form of slavery.

The minimum wage was first agreed upon in New Zealand in 1894. However, in many countries around the world, this basic income was only regulated in the 20th century.

There are many inequalities in the level of the minimum wage in different countries. The highest is that of Geneva (Switzerland), around 3500 euros per month. The lowest in Zambia, equal to 0.1 euros per month.

Nurse putting on gloves.

Other curiosities about work

It is often thought that the policeman’s job is the most dangerous in the world. Contrary to popular belief, however, garbage collectors, taxi drivers and waitresses have a higher rate of deaths at work.

These aren’t the only dangerous activities. There are, in fact, very stressful jobs such as bus drivers, nurses and assembly line workers.

These jobs cause high levels of stress in the worker as a result of intense psychological demands. People who do these jobs are at a higher risk of developing heart disease known as atrial fibrillation.


The obsession with work is a typically contemporary phenomenon. Not so long ago, people enjoyed rest very much and only worked too hard when absolutely necessary.

Nowadays, many people become anxious when they are not working and feel guilty for resting. Curious, isn’t it?

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