Factors Affecting Well-being

Factors affecting well-being

Wellness is a complex ecosystem. This means that there are many factors that affect well-being, each with a different weight. It is a term that is often used in everyday life. However, we don’t always know what “feeling good” means. Consequently, we have no idea how to achieve this state.

What is called well-being includes at least six variables. These are: the emotional, intellectual, professional, physical, social and spiritual aspects . Each of them constitutes a factor that improves or worsens our life. That is why they are all factors that affect well-being.

Even if we don’t realize it, in our daily life we ​​put all these variables into play . In this sense, you have to be careful! We might think that well-being focuses only on one of these variables, because it is the one that most worries us or gratifies us. Instead they all work at the same time. Taken together, they facilitate or hinder us in being able to have a full life. Let’s analyze each variable in more detail.

Factors affecting well-being

Emotional aspect 

It’s about recognizing and accepting one’s own


and emotions . This implies the ability to reason coherently about oneself. Also to be aware of one’s limitations and strengths.

Emotional well-being manifests itself as the ability to

to express

feelings and to understand those of others . And also as the ability to make reasonable self-assessments. Likewise, it is expressed as assertiveness and proactivity.

A person who shakes hands with another, a symbol of emotional support to give well-being

Intellectual aspect

Intellectual well-being is related to the ability to perform creative mental actions . Using what has been learned and what has been experienced to solve everyday problems or major problems. It also implies the ability to detect contradictions and methods of dealing with them.

There is well-being in the intellectual aspect when they are present there


and the desire to learn . And also an interest in trying new solutions. In research and in the ability to evaluate different intellectual positions.

Employment factor

We speak of professional well-being when satisfaction is achieved through the work we do . In other words, when there is a good one


towards work. It involves the ability to find a job that is in line with our interests.

Professional well-being manifests itself as the ability to develop new professional skills that are carried out on a daily basis and also to associate work with personal values ​​and the desire to improve.

Conversation between colleagues

Physical well-being

Among the factors that affect well-being there is also the care of health and appearance . It supposes the ability to recognize nutritional and physical needs, as well as to adopt or abandon habits that respectively favor or harm the body.

Physical well-being is expressed as concern for and care for one’s body . Healthy hygiene habits and adequate personal presentation. It is physically comfortable when the actions are aimed at preserving life.

Social factor

The social is linked to the ability to create harmonious and cooperative environments . Ability to establish constructive connections with others and also to abandon relationships, of any kind, that cause harm or discomfort.

Social well-being manifests itself through solid and stable support networks. These must be based on mutual help and understanding. Even the


it is an expression of social well-being . As is the ability to define limits with others.

Spiritual well-being

It concerns the transcendental component given to life . It is closely related to the meaning given to personal existence. Spirituality develops when one is able to see the facts in a long-term perspective. Even when you are interested in adopting a model of values ​​and are able to be consistent with it.

Woman who breathes and achieves well-being

It involves the ability to identify


universal and stick to the same . And also for the ability to join and actively participate in just causes. Spiritual well-being would therefore be the sum of all other ways of being well.

As you can see, well-being is a small word that includes many realities. As we stated at the beginning, all factors that affect well-being are permanently at play . Sometimes we lose sight of it because we are particularly sensitive to only one of these dimensions.

It is always important to remember that human beings have multiple facets. For this reason, our wellness ecosystem is complex.  It is important not to lose sight of any of the facets that make it up . They are interrelated and when one does not go well, it can be balanced by another.

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