Family Ties Are Protected With Empathy And Respect

Family ties are protected with empathy and respect

Raising and, above all, educating children is not an easy task, as by acting incorrectly, we can destroy family ties. Tons of patience, affection and goodwill are needed to foster healthy and responsible growth that allows children to develop in the best possible way and, at the same time, take care of their partner.

In this task, some skills are relevant, such as knowing how to listen to our children, learning to put yourself in their shoes, setting limits and being able to convey to them the feeling of belonging to a unique group that will offer them safety and protection, what is the family. All of this is also important for adults. Read on to learn how to protect family ties to create stronger bonds!

Saying “I love you”: the basis of healthy family ties

Each family member has their own needs, as well as different qualities and abilities. This is why everyone expresses affection in their  own way and needs different ways to be told they love them. However, it is important to communicate this.  

Father who seeks to strengthen family ties

Sometimes it is difficult for us to make constructive criticisms not only with adults, but also with children and we are dedicated solely to reporting what they have done wrong. The problem is that an attitude that may go unnoticed for us can instead have important repercussions on the self-esteem of others, especially in that of children. In this way, family ties are weakened.

For this reason, it is important to use part of our communication to say that we love our children and what we like about them, that they are important to us and to our family. In this way, we will feed them with love and improve their self-esteem.

Strong family ties feed on empathy and effort

Empathy is a great ally when conflicts arise in the home. Trying to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes will not allow us to immediately end the discussion, but it will help us to understand him a little more. It will also help us to explain to him that we understand his opinion even if we do not share it, coming to a positive agreement for both of us.

Putting ourselves in the shoes of others will facilitate another fundamental element in strengthening family ties: valuing the effort of others. When we try to change or do something to improve coexistence at home, we don’t always succeed immediately. However, hearing that they appreciate our effort will motivate us to improve.   

This recognition will serve as a reinforcement that enhances behaviors that help us improve family relationships. The change, however, will occur progressively.

Respecting rights and duties foments family ties

Inside the house all the members have their obligations. These need to be delimited and consistent. However, how and when to make the little ones responsible for housework? In this sense, it is  important to take into account the age of the children and ask them to do certain things according to their abilities.

United family that strengthens family ties

From the first year of age we can ask them to carry out simple household chores  that foment their self-esteem. They can, therefore, collect their toys, help us carry an object from one place to another or clean something they have stained. Emphasizing that they are helping us flawlessly and how important they are to the family will make them feel so much better.

As well as our duties, our rights must also be respected at home. The problem arises when, as setbacks arise, we fail to comply with these rights. It is certainly important to know how to do it every now and then for the sake of living together, but it doesn’t always have to be the same person who gives in.  

In other words, the rights of some family members cannot be respected more than those of others. Finding a balance in this aspect will avoid the emergence of unnecessary discussions and misunderstandings, as well as negative emotions that undermine family ties.  

Images courtesy of Nathaniel Tetteh, Annie Spratt, and David Straight

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