Five Habits To Give Up To Be Yourself

Five habits to give up to be yourself

A new year has just begun and, as usual, many of us have taken stock of the twelve months we are leaving behind. We have reviewed our personal habits with the probable intention of changing something. New Year’s resolutions may have to do with work, family, education, health, etc.

We promise to abandon bad habits, vices that we consider more or less cumbersome obstacles on the way to a goal, a dream or an optimal state of mind.

Taking stock of the past years, however, we could realize with pessimism that for years we have been proposing the same things to ourselves without ever being able to achieve them.

However, this pessimism should not be confused with the belief that we do not have control over our lives. Even when we feel our ship is drifting, it doesn’t mean we can’t influence its course. Nor does it mean that the past is a fair yardstick for predicting the future. The fact that we have already tried once, twice, three or four times without success, does not mean that the next time will not be better.

To get us a little closer to achieving our dreams, I invite you today to get rid of five habits that are best left behind to become the best version of ourselves.

Five habits to give up

Don’t punish yourself for unfulfilled goals

Time heals wounds, but it can also take away the opportunity to live out one’s desires, dreams and goals. Life is beautiful because it teaches us to adapt in every moment. Unexpected surprises can lead us to be better people and to surpass ourselves.


Accepting that we cannot manage everything and that we are partly dependent on the order of the universe is part of the theory of everything . We are not superheroes and despite being masters of our own destiny, we must not be too strict in our judgment or forget that there are many external factors that can affect us. That we can’t be in control of everything.

The people we love, unpredictable and surprising situations happen for a reason. If you have failed to complete your plan of action, give yourself the gift of imperfection. Believe me, it is a real virtue that allows you to see the beauty of life.

Don’t expect approval from others all the time

As men and sociable beings, we have a natural need to share and learn from the external environment and from the people we love. Their trust guides us on our path, but it is also true that constantly depending on others prevents us from being ourselves.

Taking into account the opinion of others before making any decisions does not allow us to hear our inner voice. Not listening to it means canceling one’s quality as extraordinary individuals, it means losing the opportunity to advance and give the best of oneself. To cultivate it, you need to have a strong mind and personality.

Trust yourself and listen to everything your heart has to say,  it knows you perfectly and knows what virtues you can empower each moment. Remember, making mistakes is normal. This is why we are human, because we are unique and unrepeatable. That’s where the greatness of our soul resides, learning from mistakes and continuing to trust.

Take off the false masks that protect you

When you decide to face a new stage in your life, appreciate yourself, stop and observe yourself taking as a reference a side of you on which you had never focused. Try to understand that, as we said before, our greatness lies in our being unique and unrepeatable, imperfect and wise at the same time.

Create a fortress that rises from you, not protects you from one of your essential habits. You don’t need anything to defend you, because you can grow even in your weakest points. Begin to be yourself.

Let go of all the negative things that happened in the past

Discover your strengths and consolidate them, honoring what you consider a defect without forgetting that it is your defects that make you what you are. Appreciate the luck you have had in being surrounded by all the people who are part of you, of your circle of trust.


Furthermore, you have probably experienced many negative situations that have made you realize that everything, absolutely everything, has a positive side, even the worst things:  the lessons learned. All the difficult moments that will make you feel unpleasant emotions, accept them. You were lucky enough to be able to learn from them, and above all, to have been alive to savor them.

Get rid of the thoughts that make you doubt yourself

As extraordinary human beings, we have a duty to fulfill, which is to be masters of our own destiny. This task refers to the principle of inner wisdom according to which “everything depends on us, we can choose how to act during the course of our life”.

Doubting your worth will lead you to pessimism and defeat, even before taking action. Within you you already have all the extraordinary qualities that you need to awaken in order to be who you really are.

-Ludwig van Beethove n-

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