How Can The Danes Be So Happy?

How can the Danes be so happy?

A study revealed that Danes are happier than the inhabitants of any other European country. The Danes attribute it to the word “hygge”, which does not have a direct translation into Italian, but refers to personal well-being, to be able to share good times with loved ones and enjoy their spaces.

It is not about forgetting about problems or being overly optimistic, but about a way of looking at life that allows them to take the best out of any situation and focus less on the negative things around them. Hygge means living to the fullest!

The Danish lesson to be happy

It’s not climate or geography, and it doesn’t even have to do with economic well-being or love life. Dell ‘ hygge you can enjoy all year, that you are single or married, you are alone or surrounded by friends. It is much more than a specific situation, it is a way of enjoying what we have.

How many times have you thanked fate, the universe or God for everything around you? You may not have a trendy car, your job is far from your dream job, or you would like to be in a relationship, but you haven’t found love yet. Yet, there are so many reasons to be happy: you have a vehicle that takes you wherever you want, a job that allows you to pay your bills and feeds you, a group of friends who are close to you even in the worst moments.


If it rains, it is because it rains; if it is hot, it is because it is hot… We always have a good reason to complain or to look for the negative side of things. On the contrary, Danes are always looking for a reason to rejoice, smile and be grateful.

You may think that they have an easy life, because they have not suffered from the economic crisis or because they do not have to deal with unemployment, but you should also know that, for example, living in certain areas of the country forces them to spend many hours locked in the house. during the winter. Yet, even so, they manage to be happy!

What is the hygge principle based on ?

First of all, this word that is used frequently in Denmark does not have a precise translation into Italian or any other language. We could define it as “something welcoming”, and now we will explain why.

Danes refer to this concept when they feel comfortable or are enjoying some activity, whether alone or in company. For example, preparing a dinner for the family, sitting down to read a book by the fireplace with a cup of coffee, wearing a wool sweater made by grandmother, watching a good movie with friends, listening to music while the rain hits the glass. of the window …

These situations, so simple and habitual, are the ones that make us happier and that have the ability to give comfort to our soul. They are not related to material possessions per se, but to the feeling we get when we enjoy those moments.


Can we try hygge even if we don’t live in Denmark?

The answer to this question is certainly a nice Yes! It all depends on our attitude towards what surrounds us and how we use the moments that give us small joys. The pleasure lies in the smallest details, in those that, many times, when we are busy, stressed or worried, we cannot even see.

When you arrive home and are tired after work, notice the pleasure of taking off your shoes and slipping your feet into soft slippers. If your weekend plans are ruined by a thunderstorm, take the opportunity to spend the day lying on the sofa reading that book you never started because you didn’t have time. When your partner makes you something good for dinner, thank him and savor every bite …

Every day we have a chance to enjoy our hygge moments and be happy. It doesn’t matter what the time of year, the schedule, the problems or the bad news … A nice warm bath, a cup of your favorite tea, a breakfast in bed on Sunday morning, a pair of new socks or a hug from the person that you love aren’t enough reasons to be happy?

For sure, you too will experience many of these wonderful situations that can help you feel good about yourself and radiate peace and fullness, without having to go and live in Copenhagen or another Danish city. We invite you to enjoy your hygge every day, because it’s the little things that make man happy!

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