How To Handle A Narcissistic Person?

How to handle a narcissistic person?

How to handle a narcissistic person? These individuals sometimes become a real nightmare for those in direct contact with them. It is very complicated to resolve the paradox implicit in these subjects, who inflate their ego to superlative levels. At the same time, however, they are as fragile and vulnerable as children . Beneath this apparent overestimated self-evaluation are insecurities and feelings of inferiority.

Narcissistic people are extremely dependent on the opinion of others. They only feel good if they receive constant expressions of admiration and approval. However, as soon as some criticism is leveled at them, all security and trust immediately collapse. Their reactions range from the explosion of anger and aggression towards others which, once vented, turn into closure and silence.

These types of attitudes are often accompanied by enormous selfishness. For the narcissist, everything begins and ends with him. It is very difficult for him to develop genuine empathy, even if that does not mean that he is totally indolent. It simply considers everything about it as more important and fails to position itself in a line that equals it to others. It looks and feels distinct.

The question is: how can such a person be handled? Below we will give you some suggestions.

The narcissistic person is hypersensitive

Never forget this principle. If someone has a narcissistic attitude, they try to give themselves a value that they don’t feel or are afraid of not having. It is a compensation mechanism. Like the peacock spreading its feathers to look threatening, when in reality it is just scared. His fanfaron is only the expression of a conflict with himself that he cannot resolve.

Consequently, they are individuals sensitive to criticism and indifference. You have to be very tactful when dealing with them, as we can easily hurt them and this will increase their difficulties. These people want praise, but we should only give it to them if they really deserve it. The criticisms must be expressed with delicacy, but also with sincerity. It is important to convey the idea that we do not criticize them, but their actions.

Even if they don’t show it, a narcissistic person suffers a lot. His attitude was probably caused by past strong psychological trauma. He’s just trying to psychologically survive the experiences he hasn’t digested.

Let us not allow ourselves to be manipulated

People with a narcissistic attitude can also be a manipulator. One way or another , he  tries to make us think how he wants and hear what he wants, so as to make us a reinforcement for the idea he wants to believe. He will probably be very skilled at this. It will lead us to see in him the grandeur that he sees in himself. Perhaps he will be able to convince us if he is particularly intelligent or charismatic.

Unfortunately, these individuals also despise the qualities of the people around them. This helps them keep their fantasy of superiority. It is not uncommon for them to strive to find a way to diminish or minimize the achievements of others. If this profile corresponds to a person dear to us, we should make him understand how his attitude makes us feel.

A narcissistic person needs to believe in themselves more. Feel true self-love. If he succeeds, he will no longer need to inflate his ego to feel he exists. If those around her fall into her trap and allow themselves to be manipulated, her attitude will be strengthened.

How to help a narcissistic person

A narcissistic person needs to train his humility. Sometimes small daily activities, such as tolerating a long queue or letting another person move forward, help. It is equally important to help him understand the importance of delegating and recognizing the positive actions of others.

These people must be helped to understand the true value of their successes and virtues. By arming ourselves with patience and respect, we can help them to love each other more, to understand that they have achieved real goals without making them superior. But also that they have made mistakes and have failed without making them inferior.

The most important aspect is not to fall into the trap of trying to “lower the crest”. This will only lead us to create an enmity that prevents any progress. If something is missing in the narcissist, it is real affection and acceptance. Remember that love can do anything, especially in cases where its absence makes you sick.

Image courtesy of Rafal Olbinski

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