If You Want To Love Me, Really Love Me

If you want to love me, really love me

I am not satisfied with the reports from “Let’s try and see how it goes”. I don’t want worries that stand in my way. I don’t want half-hearted loves, half-hearted decisions, or half-apples. I don’t want just words or irrational doubts. If you want to love me, really love me. Give me a new breath, don’t sell me more smoke. Because any price you give to this love will be too high for me.

Love me completely. Be a person who was not looking for anything, but who, when he already had everything, found one more reason to be happy: to be with me. Love me in a good, sincere, profound way. Not because you need it, but because being able to choose freely, you have chosen me. Don’t put a chain around my neck, really love me.

If you want to love me, I warn you right away, even if you may have already understood, that the sun will not shine every day. There will not be only butterflies in the stomach, smiles and walks hand in hand. There will be times when we will have to hug each other tightly and hug each other, others when we will distance ourselves to reflect, still others when we will need each other to support us.

Sometimes we will need to pull towards each other. And, while there will be times when I don’t deserve it, I will be grateful if you stay by me to take care of me, to help me get up and push me forward. In fact, I’ll be grateful to you especially when I don’t deserve it. If you do, I promise that it will be mutual, and that I too will be there when you need it. Really love me and you will not regret it.

Girl telling partner really love me

If we make this decision, we will have to accept all the consequences

If you have decided to love me, let’s throw ourselves headlong into expectations and dreams: we will deal with disappointments later on. Let’s find out what adventures await us, buy liters of ink to write a story that will leave you breathless. Words that will also speak of fears, the fears that we will have defeated.

If you want to love me, that’s what I want: that you love me. I don’t want you to tell me, but I really want to. I don’t want words that are not accompanied by actions, otherwise the wind will take them away with it. I want to feel loved every day. I want to feel that I have someone by my side I can trust. I want to hear that we both have the same goal. I want to feel that, even when you are not physically there, you continue to be by my side.

united couple asking each other really love me

Really love me and I will love you too

After asking, it’s my turn to give. So if you love me, I promise you more love, I promise that I’ll be there. I promise you that I will be close to you without invading your spaces. I promise you it will be a war that will never make you bored, and a peace that will allow you to be calm. An oxygen that will make you breathe.

I pledge to fill you up when you need something, to walk away when you are already full, to force myself every day not to let the spell vanish. To choose understanding instead of pride, to communicate rationally and not impulsively, to give yourself a sincere hug and a soothing smile.

It is a contract that needs to be signed by both parties, and at the bottom you will find mine. The clauses must be decided together. The first page is full of promises, the second of requests: the third I would like to write with you.

Really love me, because I have shown that I can give you sincere love, and because you want to do it too. If you want to love me, it will be fun, because our understanding will take us far. If you want to love me, I’ll make sure you love me.

If we want to love each other, let’s start writing, together.

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