I’m Not In The World To Fulfill Other People’s Expectations

I am not in the world to fulfill the expectations of others

The phrase that begins with “We are whose…” and ends in an affectionate way is fashionable; but whose are we really? Maybe we have to belong to someone? No, we are in this world to “be ourselves” and be able to be with others: the only expectations to be fulfilled are those that we assign to ourselves, not those that others impose on us.

It is very nice to think that the closeness that unites us to someone is so great that we can exclaim that something of us belongs to him, but nothing further from reality.

Sometimes you have to be a little selfish and remember that the desires and goals we set for ourselves start from our essence. For this reason, one must take care of one’s self-esteem which creates enthusiasm and strengthens the hope of accomplishing them.

We need personal expectations

Most people work to accomplish goals set by others, devote part of their time to activities they don’t want to do, or are forced to lead a certain lifestyle in order to move forward.


Since there are circumstances that cannot be avoided, we need personal expectations that make us feel confident that we can be happy with what we have. After all, if we go back with the help of memory to the early years of our adulthood, we all find there different goals that we would like to reach someday and others that we have already achieved.

The closest people will be able to give us their opinion, support us and, of course, advise us if we give them this power. However, the last word is up to us alone : we decide what we want to do with the time available and we set out along the path we consider appropriate. One thing that no one can choose for us.

We must defend these expectations

After creating expectations, it is necessary to shape them and fight to defend them:  learning to define well what we want will help us direct our actions towards it. It is good to understand, therefore, that like enthusiasm and dreams, the goals we set ourselves are part of the fuel that pushes us towards a concrete direction.

Defending the set expectations makes us stay closer to the possible than the impossible, therefore it pushes us to grow and at the same time we overcome ourselves over and over again. We must start from the basis that each of us can obtain what we have proposed again without letting ourselves be overcome by those who do not see us capable.

The word of others can enlighten

The advice of others can always be useful and on many occasions they represent the light we need, blindness sometimes takes over the steps we want to take.

watercolor friends from behind

For this reason it is good to listen, take into account the words of those who love us and see if they suit the thought we have about events. Perhaps they will give us the answer we seek or activate it so that we can discover it.

It is not a bad thing that others know our expectations, just as it is not bad that we share them with them. However, the most logical thing is not to stop accepting that everyone has their own: no one came into the world to fulfill yours, nor are you in the world to take possession of those of others.

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