Imitating A Zen Monk: 7 Habits

Imitating a Zen monk leads us on a path of spiritual evolution, a calmer and simpler life, which in turn makes us more productive and creative.
Imitating a Zen Monk: 7 Habits

Why imitate a Zen monk? There may be many answers to this question, but in general a Zen monk is an example of attention span and concentration, as well as productivity and stability.

Of course, when we say we are imitating a Zen monk, we don’t mean strictly speaking. These men lead such a disciplined and particular life that it is impossible to replicate it in a context like ours.

Rather, it is a matter of highlighting the behavioral guidelines they put in place and which may also be valid in our environment.

Buddhist monks make simplicity a way of life. They manage to maintain their inner balance like no other. Their way of seeing things and facing reality is admirable.

If the idea of ​​imitating a Zen monk catches your attention, you definitely need to know these role models.

How to imitate a Zen monk

1. Give body and soul in what you do

It’s something common sense always tells us, but we often forget to do because we live in a fast-paced world. The best way to do something is to give body and soul until we finish it. This facilitates concentration and allows for better results.

Being multitasking many times can just be a sign of poor concentration. This behavior reflects restlessness and inconstancy.

When we don’t focus on something, we don’t invest precious time on anything in particular, and the results aren’t always the best.

Woman with her face turned to the sun.

2. Act slowly and deliberately

While it may seem contradictory, most of the time we only reach a goal first when we slowly progress towards it. This is because haste often deceives us. In turn, error prevents progress.

When we do everything slowly, we facilitate concentration. When we are focused, we are more likely to make the most of our experiences and move on.

3. Take a break between two activities

It is not good to schedule too many tasks to be completed in a short amount of time. When we fill ourselves with tasks to complete, we get anguish and stress. We may be able to complete them all, but we certainly won’t be in a good mood.

It is best to take a reasonable break between activities. In this way we keep everything under control, especially if for some reason the activities we had planned take longer than expected. Only then will we have enough time to start over without haste.

4. Rituals for imitating a Zen monk

A ritual gives special meaning to what we do. Its main function is to remind us of its importance.

We don’t have to carry out Zen rituals: just plan our way to solemnize certain moments. It is very useful at the beginning and at the end of the day, but also before carrying out a particularly complex activity.

5. Valuing what we do

Each day is unique and you have to give it the value it has. Sometimes we forget it and end up organizing our routines in such a way as to completely separate the days of work, rest, fun, etc.

Zen monks proceed differently: they allocate a part of the day to each of these practices. A time to work and another to rest. Likewise, a time for fun and another time for meditation. All on the same day.

Person meditating in a silent retreat.

6. Take the time to do nothing

Doing nothing is of paramount importance. Assigning times of the day to do nothing makes us more productive, more creative and prevents fatigue. It also helps us balance emotions and cultivate a feeling of wholeness.

It’s just about taking a moment to sit and breathe, not more. Monks do this in the lotus position and apply Zen meditation techniques.

However, the simple act of standing still, breathing, is enough to get what we want: stillness and relaxation.

7. Dedicate yourself to household chores to imitate a Zen monk

Doing housework is a noble activity, which allows others to enjoy greater well-being. Zen monks deeply appreciate domestic activities: they say they urge us to grow spiritually.

Household chores are also an excellent starting point for meditation and concentration, as well as to train the ability to act slowly and methodically, reaffirming that in our day there is always a time to do those tasks.


Imitating a Zen monk, even if only in the aspects described, is a great way to evolve. In this case, evolution means learning to live simpler and enjoying every moment to the fullest.

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