Improving Your CV: 7 Tips

Improving your CV: 7 tips

Nowadays, finding a job that satisfies us is a difficult task. Enormous competition, geographic factors and the demands of an increasingly selective market can make us question our capabilities. We are constantly getting information on how to improve the curriculum vitae, but we don’t know exactly what the steps to follow are.

In a well-prepared society like ours, preparing a resume that stands out is not easy. Around us we see people using new techniques: video-curricula and alternative media (such as colored cards or drawings) are easy to find on the internet.

But improving your CV, despite what it may seem at first glance, is not based on beautiful graphics. It is true that it is important to attract the public, but it is equally important not to disappoint them. If the message is incorrect, colors and accessories will be of little use.

There are several techniques focused on improving the curriculum and all of them can teach new things. Some will be familiar to you, others will seem totally new to you. What matters is to take full advantage of it so that everyone can see what you are capable of.

7 tips to improve your CV

1. Forbidden to lie

Not lying may seem obvious, but it is increasingly common to find fake resumes. Adding jobs that haven’t actually been done, lying about the office, or even making up that you’ve finished college when you don’t can have dire consequences. It is not only embarrassing, but also very counterproductive.

Being honest isn’t just dignified, it’s smart too. If your boss or interviewer finds out that you lied about such an important piece of information, they will start to distrust you. Nobody likes having unreliable workers in their company, so try not to give that impression.

Job interview

2. Learn to stand out from others

It is advisable to highlight something that differentiates us from others. Not just in resume design (as mentioned above), but also in our skills. Learn a little-studied language; choose specific courses; add volunteer or work experience  that may be noteworthy.

The problem with most resumes is that they are all very similar. For years, English has been the most popular language, but now it is not. The more original your career is, the more curiosity you will awaken in the reader, and therefore in the person who will hire you.

3. Correct length

The curriculum should not be too long or sparse. One of the areas where the most emphasis is placed on improving the curriculum vitae is avoiding that the work path is shorter than the years worked. By this we mean that it is better to emphasize that you have worked for many years in the same company rather than in many different ones, in order not to give the impression of instability.

Don’t include too much information about your school or university unless your results are remarkable and citable. All related trivia must be discarded so as not to be boring. The ideal resume length is between one and two sheets, three is too many.

4. Don’t include your hobbies

Many people, in an effort to build confidence, include too much personal information. Besides being a mistake, it gives a sense of lack of professionalism. It is recommended that you include a presentation and your goals, but only an excerpt.

Likewise, try not to use too many technicalities. We need to reach an intermediate point between formality and confidence, without touching either end.

5. Obtain letters of recommendation

In many jobs they ask for letters of recommendation. Obtaining them can be a difficult task, especially if we have not had contact with old professors for a long time. If they are still teaching, request a meeting with them.

The same goes for the former owners. In this case it will be easier, as long as they still keep their jobs. Although it is important to remember that not all companies include letters of recommendation as a prerequisite.

Woman explaining to a boy how to improve the curriculum vitae

6. Adequate writing

Grammatical and spelling errors are completely prohibited. You need to review your resume to avoid mistakes that could cost you a job.

While this recommendation may seem absurd, it must be taken into great consideration. An error-filled resume gives the image of an ignorant person and a lazy worker.

7. Volunteering earns points

Volunteering activities are not compulsory, but highly recommended. In addition to experience, they are a plus in favor of your value as a candidate. Find a cause that interests you and volunteer for a couple of months. You will learn a lot and can decide to stay longer.

Any company is attracted to a worker engaged in social causes. By showing integrity and concern for others, you will improve your career and your life.

The resume is an important aspect in choosing a candidate, but it is not the only one. Trying not to stuff it with irrelevant information, adding honest data, and engaging with worthy causes are just a few points to consider.

Every company and institution is different, you need to be informed about the place where you want to work. Keeping up with developments in the industry adds a plus that, while it may not be included on a resume, may be noticed in interviews.

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